PropertyFileEndPointSnitch ========================== Cassandra's RackAwareStrategy can be used to have replication take data-center and/or rack location into account when placing replicas. The ProperyFileEndPointSnitch allows you to make use of RackAwareStrategy by specifying node locations in a standard key/value properties file. Properties File --------------- The EndPointSnitch expects to find a standard properties file at /etc/cassandra/ in the following format: \:=: There is also a special directive used to define which information to return for unconfigured nodes: default=: See conf/ for an annotated example config. Installing ---------- * Run the ant jar target * Add build/cassandra-propsnitch.jar to the CLASSPATH * Edit storage-conf.xml and set ReplicaPlacementStrategy to org.apache.cassandra.locator.RackAwareStrategy * Edit the EndPointSnitch element of storage-conf.xml to use org.apache.cassandra.locator.PropertyFileEndPointSnitch * Create the file /etc/cassandra/ Running/Managing ---------------- This endpointsnitch also registers itself as an MBean which can be used to reload the configuration file in the case the file has changed. Additionally, the current rack information can be retrieved as well.