0.5.0 ===== 0. The commitlog format has changed (but sstable format has not). When upgrading from 0.4, empty the commitlog either by running bin/nodeprobe flush on each machine and waiting for the flush to finish, or simply remove the commitlog directory if you only have test data. (If more writes come in after the flush command, starting 0.5 will error out; if that happens, just go back to 0.4 and flush again.) 1. Bootstrap, move, load balancing, and active repair have been added. See http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/Operations 2. Performance improvements across the board, especially on the write path (over 100% improvement in stress.py throughput). 3. Configuration: - Added "comment" field to ColumnFamily definition. - Added MemtableFlushAfterMinutes, a global replacement for the old per-CF FlushPeriodInMinutes setting - Key cache settings 4. Thrift: - Added get_range_slice, deprecating get_key_range 0.4.2 ===== 1. Improve default garbage collector options significantly -- throughput will be 30% higher or more. 0.4.1 ===== 1. SnapshotBeforeCompaction configuration option allows snapshotting before each compaction, which allows rolling back to any version of the data. 0.4.0 ===== 1. On-disk data format has changed to allow billions of keys/rows per node instead of only millions. The new format is incompatible with 0.3; see 0.3 notes below for how to import data from a 0.3 install. 2. Cassandra now supports multiple keyspaces. Typically you will have one keyspace per application, allowing applications to be able to create and modify ColumnFamilies at will without worrying about collisions with others in the same cluster. 3. Many Thrift API changes and documentation. See http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/API 4. Removed the web interface in favor of JMX and bin/nodeprobe, which has significantly enhanced functionality. 5. Renamed configuration "" to "". 6. Added commitlog fsync; see "" in configuration. 0.3.0 ===== 1. With enough and large enough keys in a ColumnFamily, Cassandra will run out of memory trying to perform compactions (data file merges). The size of what is stored in memory is (S + 16) * (N + M) where S is the size of the key (usually 2 bytes per character), N is the number of keys and M, is the map overhead (which can be guestimated at around 32 bytes per key). So, if you have 10-character keys and 1GB of headroom in your heap space for compaction, you can expect to store about 17M keys before running into problems. See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-208 2. Because fixing #1 requires a data file format change, 0.4 will not be binary-compatible with 0.3 data files. A client-side upgrade can be done relatively easily with the following algorithm: for key in old_client.get_key_range(everything): columns = old_client.get_slice or get_slice_super(key, all columns) new_client.batch_insert or batch_insert_super(key, columns) The inner loop can be trivially parallelized for speed. 3. Commitlog does not fsync before reporting a write successful. Using blocking writes mitigates this to some degree, since all nodes that were part of the write quorum would have to fail before sync for data to be lost. See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-182 Additionally, row size (that is, all the data associated with a single key in a given ColumnFamily) is limited by available memory, because compaction deserializes each row before merging. See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-16