0.3.0 RC3 * Fix potential deadlock under load in TCPConnection. (CASSANDRA-220) 0.3.0 RC2 * Fix possible data loss when server is stopped after replaying log but before new inserts force memtable flush. (CASSANDRA-204) * Added BUGS file 0.3.0 RC1 * Range queries on keys, including user-defined key collation * Remove support * Workarounds for a weird bug in JDK select/register that seems particularly common on VM environments. Cassandra should deploy fine on EC2 now * Much improved infrastructure: the beginnings of a decent test suite ("ant test" for unit tests; "nosetests" for system tests), code coverage reporting, etc. * Expanded node status reporting via JMX * Improved error reporting/logging on both server and client * Reduced memory footprint in default configuration * Combined blocking and non-blocking versions of insert APIs * Added FlushPeriodInMinutes configuration parameter to force flushing of infrequently-updated ColumnFamilies