Camel-SSH using Key Example =========================== This examples shows how to use the Camel-SSH component to call Apache Karaf using Public Key versus password. It can be run using Maven. Requirements ------------ * [Apache Maven]( version 3.x * [Apache Karaf]( version 2.3.1 Setup Karaf ----------- We will need to make 2 changes to Karaf for this example to work. 1. Register the Bouncy Castle Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) with Karaf. 2. Add a user and public key to Karaf's identity store. ### Register Bouncy Castle We need the Bouncy Castle JCE as Karaf's included Mina SSHD server uses this to handle Public Key files. Install the following jars into the `/lib/ext` directory. curl -O curl -O curl -O Edit the `/etc/` file, making 2 changes 1. add the following line = org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider 2. update the `org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation` property, appending `,org.bouncycastle.*` to the end. It should look something like the following when done org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation=org.apache.karaf.jaas.boot,sun.*,com.sun.*,javax.transaction,javax.transaction.*,org.bouncycastle.* ### Add a user and public key Edit the `/etc/` file, appending a new user `scott`. The format of the file is as follows =, For this example you will need to add a new user `scott` with the key value from the included `src/main/resources/` file. The included Camel route uses the associated private key `src/main/resources/test_rsa` when connecting to the updated Karaf server. Append the following to the `/etc/` file scott=AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC4MSqXneGVM9n3Rnqfya0D31crTx+J8X8dKZ5/+2Rq96/klnmt6uGyl+DI8G0HXVK66KqU2Z0qUE9ytOMR+zSPA+zU4Bhd3G82qdJsys7Nz8t9wSWQs8/ItWTjwg+b3vVLcI1Q8sSgfxqZvD/XQk4srbDs9ba55yjEPn5DOhA7UFbFAv8menSgbpNFMrUQQ9DJcMVlu3MOcMylI5UFFf1uvDD3vUoFXZa6GQOK9j1AGvfagGgBEqV4/AiKzDmQDFqMzmTfTfBpi1crY0SGXdT26PE4Knx7KP7bBJupBm6lJ9Pk39iw8dnDWcq45EEqrHsI0dps7/iQgYxYqBmFLIkP,admin ### Start Karaf Karaf should be all configured at this point so start up an instance by running the `bin/karaf` from the `` directory. Building this example --------------------- To build, run the following command mvn clean install To test locally, assuming you have Setup Karaf and have it running, run the following command mvn camel:run To stop the example hit ctrl + c Deploy to Karaf --------------- From the running Karaf console, run the following commands to install this example into your running Karaf server. features:addurl mvn:org.apache.camel/camel-example-ssh-security//xml/features features:install camel-example-ssh-security This example outputs into the Karaf log file so you can either `tail -f data/log/karaf.log` or from the Karaf console run the following command log:tail If you hit any problems please let us know on the Camel Forums Please help us make Apache Camel better - we appreciate any feedback you may have. Enjoy! ----------------- The Camel riders!