CDI Example =========== This example shows how to work with Camel using CDI to configure components, endpoints and beans. The example consumes messages from a queue and writes them to the file system. You will need to compile this example first: mvn compile To run the example type mvn camel:run You can see the routing rules by looking at the java code in the src/main/java directory To stop the example hit ctrl + c When we launch the example using the camel maven plugin, a local CDI container is created and started. Additionally there are maven profiles being defined by this example (see pom.xml for details) which allow to test using arquillian the project in weld container, jboss-as, ... To run the example with Arquillian & JBossAS 7.x managed, type mvn test -Parquillian-jbossas-managed And for Arquillian & Weld mvn test -Parquillian-weld-ee-embedded Please note that both the JBoss as well as Weld maven artifacts are pretty big in size so be patient as maven downloads them into your local repository for the first time. This example is documented at If you hit any problems please talk to us on the Camel Forums Please help us make Apache Camel better - we appreciate any feedback you may have. Enjoy! ------------------------ The Camel riders!