Load balancing with MINA Example ================================ This example shows how you can easily use the Camel-MINA component to design a solution allowing for distributing message workload onto several servers. These servers are simple TCP/IP servers created by the Apache MINA framework and run in separate JVMs. The load balancer pattern of Camel which is used on top of them allows for sending in Round Robin mode the messages created from a Camel Bean component alternatively between each server running on localhost:9991 and localhost:9992. Within this demo every five seconds, a Report object is created from the Camel load balancer server. This object is sent by the Camel load balancer to a MINA server where the object is then serialized. One of the two MINA servers (localhost:9991 and localhost:9992) receives the object and enriches the message by setting the field reply of the Report object. The reply is sent back by the MINA server to the client, which then logs the reply on the console. Running the example =================== To compile and install the project in your maven repo, execute the following command on the root of the project mvn clean install To run the example, then execute the following command in the respective folder: >mina1 mvn exec:java -Pmina1 >mina2 mvn exec:java -Pmina2 >loadbalancing mvn exec:java -Ploadbalancer This example is documented at http://camel.apache.org/loadbalancing-mina-example.html If you hit any problems please let us know on the Camel Forums http://camel.apache.org/discussion-forums.html Please help us make Apache Camel better - we appreciate any feedback you may have. Enjoy! ------------------------ The Camel Riders!