CXF Example =========== This example shows how to work with CXF and Camel. You will need to compile this example first: mvn compile To run the example of routing between different transport type mvn exec:java -PHttpToJMS To run the example of Camel transport type mvn exec:java -PCamelTransport To run the example of using WebServiceProvider API mvn exec:java -PWebServiceProvider To run the example of showing how to create CXF JAXRS endpoint mvn exec:java -PJAXRS To run the example within ServiceMix 4 First, you need to install the camel-cxf, camel-jetty features into ServiceMix4 Then install this bundle into ServiceMix, and use the following Java clients to call the services: mvn exec:java -PHttpToJMS.Client mvn exec:java -PCamelTransport.Client mvn exec:java -PWebServiceProvider.Client mvn exec:java -PJAXRS.Client To stop the example hit ctrl + c This example is documented at If you hit any problems please let us know on the Camel Forums Please help us make Apache Camel better - we appreciate any feedback you may have. Enjoy! ------------------------ The Camel Riders!