CXF WebService Proxy example ============================ An example which proxies a real web service by a Camel application using the camel-cxf component You will need to compile this example first: mvn compile To run the example type: mvn camel:run The proxied webservice is located at http://localhost:9080/camel-example-cxf-proxy/webservices/incident The real webservice is located at http://localhost:9081/real-webservice The webservice WSDL is exposed at: http://localhost:9080/camel-example-cxf-proxy/webservices/incident?wsdl To stop the example hit ctrl + c To make a SOAP call open soapUI or another SOAP query tool and create a new project w/WSDL of http://localhost:9080/camel-example-cxf-proxy/webservices/incident?wsdl. Then make SOAP requests of this format: 2011-11-18 Bob Smith Bla bla
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This example is documented at If you hit any problems please let us know on the Camel Forums Please help us make Apache Camel better - we appreciate any feedback you may have. Enjoy! ------------------------ The Camel Riders!