------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dojox.validate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.02 Release date: 07/12/2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project state: experimental / beta ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits port: Peter Higgins (dante) contributions: Kun Xi (bookstack at gmail com) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project description Provides a set of validation functions to match values against known constants for use in form validation, such as email address, TLD, ipAddress, country-specific phone numbers and SSN, among others.. It is broken into many parts. dojox.validate._base is required by most named modules in this project. ca.js provides Canadian specific functionality check.js provides an experimental form-management utility, which will likely be deprecated in favor creditCard.js provides validation functions for most standard credit card types. isbn.js validates ISBN numbers regexp.js provides a strange place to put regular expressions related to validation. It was formerly polluting namespaces and created in `dojox.regexp`. This is now `dojox.validate.regexp` to confine values to the dojox.validate project. us.js provides US-Specific validation. Zip, Social, etc. web.js provides url and email address validation, as well as a number of web/network related validation functions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dependencies: Requires Base Dojo and dojo.regexp. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation instructions Grab the following from the Dojo SVN Repository: http://svn.dojotoolkit.org/src/dojox/trunk/validate.js http://svn.dojotoolkit.org/src/dojox/trunk/validate Install into the following directory structure: /dojox/validate/ ...which should be at the same level as your Dojo checkout.