Camel Spring Web Services Example ============= This example shows how to expose a SOAP-based web service using Camel and Spring Web Services. It can be run using Maven. The web service endpoint address is: "http://localhost:8080/increment" The WSDL is available at: "http://localhost:8080/increment/increment.wsdl" You will need to compile this example first: mvn clean install To run the example, you need to start up the server by typing mvn jetty:run To stop the server hit ctrl + c You can test the web service using for example SOAP-UI. This excellent tool is freely available from There's a ready to use SOAP-UI project available in the "client" directory. For the latest & greatest documentation on how to use this example please see If you hit any problems please talk to us on the Camel Forums Please help us make Apache Camel better - we appreciate any feedback you may have. Enjoy! ------------------------ The Camel riders!