Camel XMPP ========== Welcome to the Camel XMPP transport for communicating with Jabber servers. For more details see Using Spring based xml configuration in 'activemq.xml' ------------------------------------------------------ In this example an xmpp user called 'bot' will propagate any messages to the queue 'gimme_an_a' to a muc called 'monitor'. The conference subdomain is part of openfire muc jid implementation (i guess). Notice the quoted ampersands. Running the Integration Tests ----------------------------- To run the intergration tests you need a Jabber server to communicate with such as Jive Software's WildFire To enable the integration tests set the maven property xmpp.enable = true You may also want to overload the default value of the server to connect with via xmpp.url = xmpp://camel@localhost/?login=false&room=