CXF Example =========== This example shows how to work with CXF and Camel. It can be run using Maven or Ant. You will need to compile this example first: mvn compile To run the example of routing between different transport type mvn exec:java -PHttpToJMS To run the example of Camel transport type mvn exec:java -PCamelTransport To run the example of using WebServiceProvider API mvn exec:java -PWebServiceProvider To To run the example with Ant a. You need to have Apache ActiveMQ and Apache CXF installed. They can be downloaded from the following locations Apache ActiveMQ Apache CXF b. Export / Set home directories for the above as follows UNIX export ACTIVEMQ_HOME= export CXF_HOME= Windows set ACTIVEMQ_HOME= set CXF_HOME= c. To Run the example using Ant, type ant To stop the example hit ctrl + c To use log4j as the logging framework add this to the pom.xml: log4j log4j and is located in src/main/resources For the latest & greatest documentation on how to use this example please see If you hit any problems please let us know on the Camel Forums Please help us make Apache Camel better - we appreciate any feedback you may have. Enjoy! ------------------------ The Camel riders!