Class SqlUserDefinedTableFunction

  • public class SqlUserDefinedTableFunction
    extends SqlUserDefinedFunction
    User-defined table function.

    Created by the validator, after resolving a function call to a function defined in a Calcite schema.

    • Method Detail

      • getRowType

        public RelDataType getRowType​(RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory,
                                      java.util.List<SqlNode> operandList)
        Returns the record type of the table yielded by this function when applied to given arguments. Only literal arguments are passed, non-literal are replaced with default values (null, 0, false, etc).
        typeFactory - Type factory
        operandList - arguments of a function call (only literal arguments are passed, nulls for non-literal ones)
        row type of the table
      • getElementType

        public java.lang.reflect.Type getElementType​(RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory,
                                                     java.util.List<SqlNode> operandList)
        Returns the row type of the table yielded by this function when applied to given arguments. Only literal arguments are passed, non-literal are replaced with default values (null, 0, false, etc).
        operandList - arguments of a function call (only literal arguments are passed, nulls for non-literal ones)
        element type of the table (e.g. Object[].class)