Class InferTypes

    • Field Detail


        public static final SqlOperandTypeInference FIRST_KNOWN
        Operand type-inference strategy where an unknown operand type is derived from the first operand with a known type.

        public static final SqlOperandTypeInference RETURN_TYPE
        Operand type-inference strategy where an unknown operand type is derived from the call's return type. If the return type is a record, it must have the same number of fields as the number of operands.
      • BOOLEAN

        public static final SqlOperandTypeInference BOOLEAN
        Operand type-inference strategy where an unknown operand type is assumed to be boolean.
      • VARCHAR_1024

        public static final SqlOperandTypeInference VARCHAR_1024
        Operand type-inference strategy where an unknown operand type is assumed to be VARCHAR(1024). This is not something which should be used in most cases (especially since the precision is arbitrary), but for IS [NOT] NULL, we don't really care about the type at all, so it's reasonable to use something that every other type can be cast to.
    • Constructor Detail

      • InferTypes

        private InferTypes()