Class SqlTranslate3Function

  • public class SqlTranslate3Function
    extends SqlFunction
    Definition of the "TRANSLATE" built-in SQL function that takes 3 arguments.

    Based on Oracle's TRANSLATE function, it is commonly called "TRANSLATE3" to distinguish it from the standard SQL function SqlStdOperatorTable.TRANSLATE that takes 2 arguments and has an entirely different purpose.

    • Constructor Detail

      • SqlTranslate3Function

        Creates the SqlTranslate3Function.
    • Method Detail

      • getSignatureTemplate

        public java.lang.String getSignatureTemplate​(int operandsCount)
        Description copied from class: SqlOperator
        Returns a template describing how the operator signature is to be built. E.g for the binary + operator the template looks like "{1} {0} {2}" {0} is the operator, subsequent numbers are operands.
        getSignatureTemplate in class SqlOperator
        operandsCount - is used with functions that can take a variable number of operands
        signature template, or null to indicate that a default template will suffice