Interface SqlOperatorTable

    • Method Detail

      • lookupOperatorOverloads

        void lookupOperatorOverloads​(SqlIdentifier opName,
                                     SqlFunctionCategory category,
                                     SqlSyntax syntax,
                                     java.util.List<SqlOperator> operatorList)
        Retrieves a list of operators with a given name and syntax. For example, by passing SqlSyntax.Function, the returned list is narrowed to only matching SqlFunction objects.
        opName - name of operator
        category - function category to look up, or null for any matching operator
        syntax - syntax type of operator
        operatorList - mutable list to which to append matches
      • getOperatorList

        java.util.List<SqlOperator> getOperatorList()
        Retrieves a list of all functions and operators in this table. Used for automated testing.
        list of SqlOperator objects