Interface Table

    • Method Detail

      • getRowType

        RelDataType getRowType​(RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory)
        Returns this table's row type.

        This is a struct type whose fields describe the names and types of the columns in this table.

        The implementer must use the type factory provided. This ensures that the type is converted into a canonical form; other equal types in the same query will use the same object.

        typeFactory - Type factory with which to create the type
        Row type
      • getStatistic

        Statistic getStatistic()
        Returns a provider of statistics about this table.
      • isRolledUp

        boolean isRolledUp​(java.lang.String column)
        Determines whether the given column has been rolled up.
      • rolledUpColumnValidInsideAgg

        boolean rolledUpColumnValidInsideAgg​(java.lang.String column,
                                             SqlCall call,
                                             SqlNode parent,
                                             CalciteConnectionConfig config)
        Determines whether the given rolled up column can be used inside the given aggregate function. You can assume that isRolledUp(column) is true.
        column - The column name for which isRolledUp is true
        call - The aggregate call
        parent - Parent node of call in the SqlNode tree
        config - Config settings. May be null
        true iff the given aggregate call is valid