Class RexSqlStandardConvertletTable

    • Constructor Detail

      • RexSqlStandardConvertletTable

        public RexSqlStandardConvertletTable()
    • Method Detail

      • convertCall

        public SqlNode convertCall​(RexToSqlNodeConverter converter,
                                   RexCall call)
        Converts a call to an operator into a SqlCall to the same operator.

        Called automatically via reflection.

        converter - Converter
        call - Call
        Sql call
      • registerEquivOp

        protected void registerEquivOp​(SqlOperator op)
        Creates and registers a convertlet for an operator in which the SQL and Rex representations are structurally equivalent.
        op - operator instance
      • registerTypeAppendOp

        private void registerTypeAppendOp​(SqlOperator op)
        Creates and registers a convertlet for an operator in which the SQL representation needs the result type appended as an extra argument (e.g. CAST).
        op - operator instance
      • registerCaseOp

        private void registerCaseOp​(SqlOperator op)
        Creates and registers a convertlet for the CASE operator, which takes different forms for SQL vs Rex.
        op - instance of CASE operator