Class PushProjector

  • public class PushProjector
    extends java.lang.Object
    PushProjector is a utility class used to perform operations used in push projection rules.

    Pushing is particularly interesting in the case of join, because there are multiple inputs. Generally an expression can be pushed down to a particular input if it depends upon no other inputs. If it can be pushed down to both sides, it is pushed down to the left.

    Sometimes an expression needs to be split before it can be pushed down. To flag that an expression cannot be split, specify a rule that it must be preserved. Such an expression will be pushed down intact to one of the inputs, or not pushed down at all.

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      static interface  PushProjector.ExprCondition
      A functor that replies true or false for a given expression.
      private class  PushProjector.InputSpecialOpFinder
      Visitor which builds a bitmap of the inputs used by an expressions, as well as locating expressions corresponding to special operators.
      (package private) class  PushProjector.OperatorExprCondition
      An expression condition that evaluates to true if the expression is a call to one of a set of operators.
      private class  PushProjector.RefAndExprConverter
      Walks an expression tree, replacing input refs with new values to reflect projection and converting special expressions to field references.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      (package private) ImmutableBitSet childBitmap
      Bitmap containing the fields in the RelNode that the projection is being pushed past, if the RelNode is not a join.
      (package private) java.util.List<RelDataTypeField> childFields
      Fields from the RelNode that the projection is being pushed past
      (package private) java.util.List<RexNode> childPreserveExprs
      Expressions referenced in the projection/filter that should be preserved.
      private RelNode childRel  
      (package private) int nChildFields
      Number of fields in the RelNode that the projection is being pushed past
      (package private) int nFields
      Number of fields in the RelNode that the projection is being pushed past, if the RelNode is not a join.
      (package private) int nFieldsRight
      Number of fields in the right hand side of a join, in the case where the projection is being pushed past a join.
      (package private) int nProject
      Number of fields being projected.
      (package private) int nRightProject
      Number of fields being projected from the right hand side of a join, in the case where the projection is being pushed past a join.
      private int nSysFields
      Number of system fields.
      (package private) int nSystemProject
      Number of system fields being projected.
      private RexNode origFilter  
      private Project origProj  
      (package private) java.util.List<RexNode> origProjExprs
      Original projection expressions
      private PushProjector.ExprCondition preserveExprCondition  
      (package private) java.util.BitSet projRefs
      Bitmap containing the references in the original projection
      private RelBuilder relBuilder  
      (package private) RexBuilder rexBuilder
      Rex builder used to create new expressions.
      (package private) ImmutableBitSet rightBitmap
      Bitmap containing the fields in the right hand side of a join, in the case where the projection is being pushed past a join.
      (package private) java.util.List<RexNode> rightPreserveExprs
      Expressions referenced in the projection/filter that should be preserved, corresponding to expressions on the right hand side of the join, if the projection is being pushed past a join.
      (package private) ImmutableBitSet strongBitmap
      Bitmap containing the fields that should be strong, i.e.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      RelNode convertProject​(RexNode defaultExpr)
      Decomposes a projection to the input references referenced by a projection and a filter, either of which is optional.
      RexNode convertRefsAndExprs​(RexNode rex, java.util.List<RelDataTypeField> destFields, int[] adjustments)
      Clones an expression tree and walks through it, adjusting each RexInputRef index by some amount, and converting expressions that need to be preserved to field references.
      RelNode createNewProject​(RelNode projChild, int[] adjustments)
      Creates a new projection based on the original projection, adjusting all input refs using an adjustment array passed in.
      Project createProjectRefsAndExprs​(RelNode projChild, boolean adjust, boolean rightSide)
      Creates a projection based on the inputs specified in a bitmap and the expressions that need to be preserved.
      int[] getAdjustments()
      Determines how much each input reference needs to be adjusted as a result of projection
      boolean locateAllRefs()
      Locates all references found in either the projection expressions a filter, as well as references to expressions that should be preserved.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • origProj

        private final Project origProj
      • origFilter

        private final RexNode origFilter
      • childRel

        private final RelNode childRel
      • origProjExprs

        final java.util.List<RexNode> origProjExprs
        Original projection expressions
      • childFields

        final java.util.List<RelDataTypeField> childFields
        Fields from the RelNode that the projection is being pushed past
      • nChildFields

        final int nChildFields
        Number of fields in the RelNode that the projection is being pushed past
      • projRefs

        final java.util.BitSet projRefs
        Bitmap containing the references in the original projection
      • childBitmap

        final ImmutableBitSet childBitmap
        Bitmap containing the fields in the RelNode that the projection is being pushed past, if the RelNode is not a join. If the RelNode is a join, then the fields correspond to the left hand side of the join.
      • rightBitmap

        final ImmutableBitSet rightBitmap
        Bitmap containing the fields in the right hand side of a join, in the case where the projection is being pushed past a join. Not used otherwise.
      • strongBitmap

        final ImmutableBitSet strongBitmap
        Bitmap containing the fields that should be strong, i.e. when preserving expressions we can only preserve them if the expressions if it is null when these fields are null.
      • nFields

        final int nFields
        Number of fields in the RelNode that the projection is being pushed past, if the RelNode is not a join. If the RelNode is a join, then this is the number of fields in the left hand side of the join.

        The identity nChildFields == nSysFields + nFields + nFieldsRight holds. nFields does not include nSysFields. The output of a join looks like this:

         | nSysFields | nFields | nFieldsRight |

        The output of a single-input rel looks like this:

         | nSysFields | nFields |
      • nFieldsRight

        final int nFieldsRight
        Number of fields in the right hand side of a join, in the case where the projection is being pushed past a join. Always 0 otherwise.
      • nSysFields

        private final int nSysFields
        Number of system fields. System fields appear at the start of a join, before the first field from the left input.
      • childPreserveExprs

        final java.util.List<RexNode> childPreserveExprs
        Expressions referenced in the projection/filter that should be preserved. In the case where the projection is being pushed past a join, then the list only contains the expressions corresponding to the left hand side of the join.
      • rightPreserveExprs

        final java.util.List<RexNode> rightPreserveExprs
        Expressions referenced in the projection/filter that should be preserved, corresponding to expressions on the right hand side of the join, if the projection is being pushed past a join. Empty list otherwise.
      • nSystemProject

        int nSystemProject
        Number of system fields being projected.
      • nProject

        int nProject
        Number of fields being projected. In the case where the projection is being pushed past a join, the number of fields being projected from the left hand side of the join.
      • nRightProject

        int nRightProject
        Number of fields being projected from the right hand side of a join, in the case where the projection is being pushed past a join. 0 otherwise.
      • rexBuilder

        final RexBuilder rexBuilder
        Rex builder used to create new expressions.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PushProjector

        public PushProjector​(Project origProj,
                             RexNode origFilter,
                             RelNode childRel,
                             PushProjector.ExprCondition preserveExprCondition,
                             RelBuilder relBuilder)
        Creates a PushProjector object for pushing projects past a RelNode.
        origProj - the original projection that is being pushed; may be null if the projection is implied as a result of a projection having been trivially removed
        origFilter - the filter that the projection must also be pushed past, if applicable
        childRel - the RelNode that the projection is being pushed past
        preserveExprCondition - condition for whether an expression should be preserved in the projection
    • Method Detail

      • convertProject

        public RelNode convertProject​(RexNode defaultExpr)
        Decomposes a projection to the input references referenced by a projection and a filter, either of which is optional. If both are provided, the filter is underneath the project.

        Creates a projection containing all input references as well as preserving any special expressions. Converts the original projection and/or filter to reference the new projection. Then, finally puts on top, a final projection corresponding to the original projection.

        defaultExpr - expression to be used in the projection if no fields or special columns are selected
        the converted projection if it makes sense to push elements of the projection; otherwise returns null
      • locateAllRefs

        public boolean locateAllRefs()
        Locates all references found in either the projection expressions a filter, as well as references to expressions that should be preserved. Based on that, determines whether pushing the projection makes sense.
        true if all inputs from the child that the projection is being pushed past are referenced in the projection/filter and no special preserve expressions are referenced; in that case, it does not make sense to push the projection
      • createProjectRefsAndExprs

        public Project createProjectRefsAndExprs​(RelNode projChild,
                                                 boolean adjust,
                                                 boolean rightSide)
        Creates a projection based on the inputs specified in a bitmap and the expressions that need to be preserved. The expressions are appended after the input references.
        projChild - child that the projection will be created on top of
        adjust - if true, need to create new projection expressions; otherwise, the existing ones are reused
        rightSide - if true, creating a projection for the right hand side of a join
        created projection
      • getAdjustments

        public int[] getAdjustments()
        Determines how much each input reference needs to be adjusted as a result of projection
        array indicating how much each input needs to be adjusted by
      • convertRefsAndExprs

        public RexNode convertRefsAndExprs​(RexNode rex,
                                           java.util.List<RelDataTypeField> destFields,
                                           int[] adjustments)
        Clones an expression tree and walks through it, adjusting each RexInputRef index by some amount, and converting expressions that need to be preserved to field references.
        rex - the expression
        destFields - fields that the new expressions will be referencing
        adjustments - the amount each input reference index needs to be adjusted by
        modified expression tree
      • createNewProject

        public RelNode createNewProject​(RelNode projChild,
                                        int[] adjustments)
        Creates a new projection based on the original projection, adjusting all input refs using an adjustment array passed in. If there was no original projection, create a new one that selects every field from the underlying rel.

        If the resulting projection would be trivial, return the child.

        projChild - child of the new project
        adjustments - array indicating how much each input reference should be adjusted by
        the created projection