Class RelMdUtil

  • public class RelMdUtil
    extends java.lang.Object
    RelMdUtil provides utility methods used by the metadata provider methods.
    • Field Detail


        public static final SqlFunction ARTIFICIAL_SELECTIVITY_FUNC
    • Constructor Detail

      • RelMdUtil

        private RelMdUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • makeSemiJoinSelectivityRexNode

        public static RexNode makeSemiJoinSelectivityRexNode​(RelMetadataQuery mq,
                                                             SemiJoin rel)
        Creates a RexNode that stores a selectivity value corresponding to the selectivity of a semijoin. This can be added to a filter to simulate the effect of the semijoin during costing, but should never appear in a real plan since it has no physical implementation.
        rel - the semijoin of interest
        constructed rexnode
      • getSelectivityValue

        public static double getSelectivityValue​(RexNode artificialSelectivityFuncNode)
        Returns the selectivity value stored in a call.
        artificialSelectivityFuncNode - Call containing the selectivity value
        selectivity value
      • computeSemiJoinSelectivity

        public static double computeSemiJoinSelectivity​(RelMetadataQuery mq,
                                                        SemiJoin rel)
        Computes the selectivity of a semijoin filter if it is applied on a fact table. The computation is based on the selectivity of the dimension table/columns and the number of distinct values in the fact table columns.
        rel - semijoin rel
        calculated selectivity
      • computeSemiJoinSelectivity

        public static double computeSemiJoinSelectivity​(RelMetadataQuery mq,
                                                        RelNode factRel,
                                                        RelNode dimRel,
                                                        SemiJoin rel)
        Computes the selectivity of a semijoin filter if it is applied on a fact table. The computation is based on the selectivity of the dimension table/columns and the number of distinct values in the fact table columns.
        factRel - fact table participating in the semijoin
        dimRel - dimension table participating in the semijoin
        rel - semijoin rel
        calculated selectivity
      • computeSemiJoinSelectivity

        public static double computeSemiJoinSelectivity​(RelMetadataQuery mq,
                                                        RelNode factRel,
                                                        RelNode dimRel,
                                                        java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> factKeyList,
                                                        java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> dimKeyList)
        Computes the selectivity of a semijoin filter if it is applied on a fact table. The computation is based on the selectivity of the dimension table/columns and the number of distinct values in the fact table columns.
        factRel - fact table participating in the semijoin
        dimRel - dimension table participating in the semijoin
        factKeyList - LHS keys used in the filter
        dimKeyList - RHS keys used in the filter
        calculated selectivity
      • areColumnsDefinitelyUnique

        public static boolean areColumnsDefinitelyUnique​(RelMetadataQuery mq,
                                                         RelNode rel,
                                                         ImmutableBitSet colMask)
        Returns true if the columns represented in a bit mask are definitely known to form a unique column set.
        rel - the relational expression that the column mask corresponds to
        colMask - bit mask containing columns that will be tested for uniqueness
        true if bit mask represents a unique column set; false if not (or if no metadata is available)
      • areColumnsDefinitelyUniqueWhenNullsFiltered

        public static boolean areColumnsDefinitelyUniqueWhenNullsFiltered​(RelMetadataQuery mq,
                                                                          RelNode rel,
                                                                          ImmutableBitSet colMask)
        Returns true if the columns represented in a bit mask are definitely known to form a unique column set, when nulls have been filtered from the columns.
        rel - the relational expression that the column mask corresponds to
        colMask - bit mask containing columns that will be tested for uniqueness
        true if bit mask represents a unique column set; false if not (or if no metadata is available)
      • areColumnsUniqueWhenNullsFiltered

        public static java.lang.Boolean areColumnsUniqueWhenNullsFiltered​(RelMetadataQuery mq,
                                                                          RelNode rel,
                                                                          java.util.List<RexInputRef> columnRefs)
      • areColumnsDefinitelyUniqueWhenNullsFiltered

        public static boolean areColumnsDefinitelyUniqueWhenNullsFiltered​(RelMetadataQuery mq,
                                                                          RelNode rel,
                                                                          java.util.List<RexInputRef> columnRefs)
      • setLeftRightBitmaps

        public static void setLeftRightBitmaps​(ImmutableBitSet groupKey,
                                               ImmutableBitSet.Builder leftMask,
                                               ImmutableBitSet.Builder rightMask,
                                               int nFieldsOnLeft)
        Separates a bit-mask representing a join into masks representing the left and right inputs into the join.
        groupKey - original bit-mask
        leftMask - left bit-mask to be set
        rightMask - right bit-mask to be set
        nFieldsOnLeft - number of fields in the left input
      • numDistinctVals

        public static java.lang.Double numDistinctVals​(java.lang.Double domainSize,
                                                       java.lang.Double numSelected)
        Returns the number of distinct values provided numSelected are selected where there are domainSize distinct values.

        Note that in the case where domainSize == numSelected, it's not true that the return value should be domainSize. If you pick 100 random values between 1 and 100, you'll most likely end up with fewer than 100 distinct values, because you'll pick some values more than once.

        domainSize - number of distinct values in the domain
        numSelected - number selected from the domain
        number of distinct values for subset selected
      • capInfinity

        public static double capInfinity​(java.lang.Double d)
        Caps a double value at Double.MAX_VALUE if it's currently infinity
        d - the Double object
        the double value if it's not infinity; else Double.MAX_VALUE
      • guessSelectivity

        public static double guessSelectivity​(RexNode predicate)
        Returns default estimates for selectivities, in the absence of stats.
        predicate - predicate for which selectivity will be computed; null means true, so gives selectity of 1.0
        estimated selectivity
      • guessSelectivity

        public static double guessSelectivity​(RexNode predicate,
                                              boolean artificialOnly)
        Returns default estimates for selectivities, in the absence of stats.
        predicate - predicate for which selectivity will be computed; null means true, so gives selectity of 1.0
        artificialOnly - return only the selectivity contribution from artificial nodes
        estimated selectivity
      • unionPreds

        public static RexNode unionPreds​(RexBuilder rexBuilder,
                                         RexNode pred1,
                                         RexNode pred2)
        AND's two predicates together, either of which may be null, removing redundant filters.
        rexBuilder - rexBuilder used to construct AND'd RexNode
        pred1 - first predicate
        pred2 - second predicate
        AND'd predicate or individual predicates if one is null
      • minusPreds

        public static RexNode minusPreds​(RexBuilder rexBuilder,
                                         RexNode pred1,
                                         RexNode pred2)
        Takes the difference between two predicates, removing from the first any predicates also in the second
        rexBuilder - rexBuilder used to construct AND'd RexNode
        pred1 - first predicate
        pred2 - second predicate
        MINUS'd predicate list
      • setAggChildKeys

        public static void setAggChildKeys​(ImmutableBitSet groupKey,
                                           Aggregate aggRel,
                                           ImmutableBitSet.Builder childKey)
        Takes a bitmap representing a set of input references and extracts the ones that reference the group by columns in an aggregate.
        groupKey - the original bitmap
        aggRel - the aggregate
        childKey - sets bits from groupKey corresponding to group by columns
      • splitCols

        public static void splitCols​(java.util.List<RexNode> projExprs,
                                     ImmutableBitSet groupKey,
                                     ImmutableBitSet.Builder baseCols,
                                     ImmutableBitSet.Builder projCols)
        Forms two bitmaps by splitting the columns in a bitmap according to whether or not the column references the child input or is an expression
        projExprs - Project expressions
        groupKey - Bitmap whose columns will be split
        baseCols - Bitmap representing columns from the child input
        projCols - Bitmap representing non-child columns
      • cardOfProjExpr

        public static java.lang.Double cardOfProjExpr​(RelMetadataQuery mq,
                                                      Project rel,
                                                      RexNode expr)
        Computes the cardinality of a particular expression from the projection list.
        rel - RelNode corresponding to the project
        expr - projection expression
      • getJoinPopulationSize

        public static java.lang.Double getJoinPopulationSize​(RelMetadataQuery mq,
                                                             RelNode joinRel,
                                                             ImmutableBitSet groupKey)
        Computes the population size for a set of keys returned from a join
        joinRel - the join rel
        groupKey - keys to compute the population for
        computed population size
      • getJoinDistinctRowCount

        public static java.lang.Double getJoinDistinctRowCount​(RelMetadataQuery mq,
                                                               RelNode joinRel,
                                                               JoinRelType joinType,
                                                               ImmutableBitSet groupKey,
                                                               RexNode predicate,
                                                               boolean useMaxNdv)
        Computes the number of distinct rows for a set of keys returned from a join. Also known as NDV (number of distinct values).
        joinRel - RelNode representing the join
        joinType - type of join
        groupKey - keys that the distinct row count will be computed for
        predicate - join predicate
        useMaxNdv - If true use formula max(left NDV, right NDV), otherwise use left NDV * right NDV.
        number of distinct rows
      • getUnionAllRowCount

        public static double getUnionAllRowCount​(RelMetadataQuery mq,
                                                 Union rel)
        Returns an estimate of the number of rows returned by a Union (before duplicates are eliminated).
      • getMinusRowCount

        public static double getMinusRowCount​(RelMetadataQuery mq,
                                              Minus minus)
        Returns an estimate of the number of rows returned by a Minus.
      • getJoinRowCount

        public static java.lang.Double getJoinRowCount​(RelMetadataQuery mq,
                                                       Join join,
                                                       RexNode condition)
        Returns an estimate of the number of rows returned by a Join.
      • linear

        public static double linear​(int x,
                                    int minX,
                                    int maxX,
                                    double minY,
                                    double maxY)
        Returns a point on a line.

        The result is always a value between minY and maxY, even if x is not between minX and maxX.


        • linear(0, 0, 10, 100, 200} returns 100 because 0 is minX
        • linear(5, 0, 10, 100, 200} returns 150 because 5 is mid-way between minX and maxX
        • linear(5, 0, 10, 100, 200} returns 160
        • linear(10, 0, 10, 100, 200} returns 200 because 10 is maxX
        • linear(-2, 0, 10, 100, 200} returns 100 because -2 is less than minX and is therefore treated as minX
        • linear(12, 0, 10, 100, 200} returns 100 because 12 is greater than maxX and is therefore treated as maxX
      • checkInputForCollationAndLimit

        public static boolean checkInputForCollationAndLimit​(RelMetadataQuery mq,
                                                             RelNode input,
                                                             RelCollation collation,
                                                             RexNode offset,
                                                             RexNode fetch)
        Returns whether a relational expression is already sorted and has fewer rows than the sum of offset and limit.

        If this is the case, it is safe to push down a Sort with limit and optional offset.