Class Window.RexWinAggCall

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class Window.RexWinAggCall
    extends RexCall
    A call to a windowed aggregate function.

    Belongs to a Window.Group.

    It's a bastard son of a RexCall; similar enough that it gets visited by a RexVisitor, but it also has some extra data members.

    • Field Detail

      • ordinal

        public final int ordinal
        Ordinal of this aggregate within its partition.
      • distinct

        public final boolean distinct
        Whether to eliminate duplicates before applying aggregate function.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RexWinAggCall

        public RexWinAggCall​(SqlAggFunction aggFun,
                             RelDataType type,
                             java.util.List<RexNode> operands,
                             int ordinal,
                             boolean distinct)
        Creates a RexWinAggCall.
        aggFun - Aggregate function
        type - Result type
        operands - Operands to call
        ordinal - Ordinal within its partition
        distinct - Eliminate duplicates before applying aggregate function