Class ElasticsearchTableScan

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.lang.Cloneable, ElasticsearchRel, RelOptNode, RelNode

    public class ElasticsearchTableScan
    extends TableScan
    implements ElasticsearchRel
    Relational expression representing a scan of an Elasticsearch type.

    Additional operations might be applied, using the "find" method.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ElasticsearchTableScan

        ElasticsearchTableScan​(RelOptCluster cluster,
                               RelTraitSet traitSet,
                               RelOptTable table,
                               ElasticsearchTable elasticsearchTable,
                               RelDataType projectRowType)
        Creates an ElasticsearchTableScan.
        cluster - Cluster
        traitSet - Trait set
        table - Table
        elasticsearchTable - Elasticsearch table
        projectRowType - Fields and types to project; null to project raw row