## Apache BVal Report September 2012 ## The Apache BVal project implements the Java EE Bean Validation 1.0 (JSR-303) specification and related extensions, and became a top-level project of the foundation on February 15, 2012. ### Releases ### No releases since the last report. ### Activity ### Little development activity of late; most of the BVal team are spread across various ASF projects, so we've not yet been able to make good on our intentions to continue improving the codebase towards a 1.0 release. Traffic on the user mailing list remains low/nonexistent. We continue to follow the progress of the Bean Validation specification; its 1.1.0 version is being developed under Red Hat's (open) leadership as JSR-349. Apache BVal will implement Bean Validation v1.1.0 as soon as is practical. ### Community ### No changes in community. ### Branding ### The project has adopted (though not yet re-branded with) a new logo contributed by Adonis Raduca. The PMC thanks him for his contribution, as well as his employer, IRIAN Solutions, for his time. ### Legal ### No concerns at present. ### Infrastructure ### Nothing needed at the moment.