module Java::Commands
JDK commands: java, javac, javadoc, etc.
Public Class Methods
Runs Apt with the specified arguments.
The last argument may be a Hash with additional options:
:compile – If true, compile source files to class files.
:source – Specifies source compatibility with a given JVM release.
:output – Directory where to place the generated source files, or the generated class files when compiling.
:classpath – One or more file names, tasks or artifact specifications. These are all expanded into artifacts, and all tasks are invoked.
# File lib/buildr/java/commands.rb, line 142 def apt(*args) options = Hash === args.last ? args.pop : {} rake_check_options options, :compile, :source, :output, :classpath files = collect { |arg| ? FileList["#{arg}/**/*.java"] : arg }.flatten cmd_args = [ trace?(:apt) ? '-verbose' : '-nowarn' ] if options[:compile] cmd_args << '-d' << options[:output].to_s else cmd_args << '-nocompile' << '-s' << options[:output].to_s end cmd_args << '-source' << options[:source] if options[:source] cp = classpath_from(options) cmd_args << '-classpath' << cp.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) unless cp.empty? cmd_args += files unless Buildr.application.options.dryrun info 'Running apt' trace (['apt'] + cmd_args).join(' ') Java.load == 0 or fail 'Failed to process annotations, see errors above' end end
Runs Java with the specified arguments.
Each argument should be provided as separate array value, e.g.
java("-jar", "yuicompressor-2.4.2.jar", "--type","css", "src/main/webapp/styles/styles-all.css", "-o", "src/main/webapp/styles/styles-all-min.css")
The last argument may be a Hash with additional options:
:dir – The working directory from which to execute task..
:classpath – One or more file names, tasks or artifact specifications. These are all expanded into artifacts, and all tasks are invoked.
:java_args – Any additional arguments to pass (e.g. -hotspot, -xms)
:properties – Hash of system properties (e.g. 'path'=>base_dir).
:name – Shows this name, otherwise shows the first argument (the class name).
:verbose – If true, prints the command and all its argument.
:pathing_jar – If true, forces the use of a “pathing” jar, false disables. Nil
will default to using a "pathing" jar under windows with long classpaths. See
# File lib/buildr/java/commands.rb, line 46 def java(*args, &block) options = Hash === args.last ? args.pop : {} options[:verbose] ||= trace?(:java) rake_check_options options, :classpath, :java_args, :properties, :name, :verbose, :dir, :pathing_jar name = options[:name] if name.nil? name = "java #{args.first}" end cmd_args = [] if options[:dir] pwd = options[:dir] if Buildr::Util.win_os? # Ruby uses forward slashes regardless of platform, # unfortunately cd c:/some/path fails on Windows cmd_args << "cd /d \"#{pwd.gsub(%r{/}, '\\')}\" && " else cmd_args << "cd '#{pwd}' && " end end cmd_args << path_to_bin('java') cp = classpath_from(options) unless cp.empty? if options[:pathing_jar] == true || (options[:pathing_jar].nil? && Util.win_os? && cp.join(':').size > 2048) paths = do |c| path = && !c.end_with?('/') ? "#{c}/" : c.to_s Buildr::Util.win_os? ? "/#{path}" : path end manifest =[{'Class-Path' => paths.join(" ")}]) tjar =['javacmd', '.jar']) do |zos| zos.put_next_entry('META-INF/MANIFEST.MF') zos.write manifest.to_s zos.write "\n" end tjar.close cmd_args << '-classpath' << tjar.path else cmd_args << '-classpath' << cp.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) end end options[:properties].each { |k, v| cmd_args << "-D#{k}=#{v}" } if options[:properties] cmd_args += (options[:java_args] || (ENV['JAVA_OPTS'] || ENV['JAVA_OPTIONS']).to_s.split).flatten cmd_args += args.flatten.compact tmp = nil begin # Windows can't handle cmd lines greater than 2048/8192 chars. # If our cmd line is longer, we create a batch file and execute it instead. if Util.win_os? &&' ').size > 2048 # remove '-classpath' and the classpath itself from the cmd line. cp_i = cmd_args.index{|x| x.to_s =~ /^-classpath/} 2.times do cmd_args.delete_at cp_i unless cp_i.nil? end # create tmp batch file. tmp =['starter', '.bat']) tmp.write "@echo off\n" tmp.write "SET CLASSPATH=#{cp.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).gsub(%r{/}, '\\')}\n" tmp.write' ') tmp.close # set new cmd line. cmd_args = [tmp.path] end unless Buildr.application.options.dryrun info "Running #{name}" if name && options[:verbose] block = lambda { |ok, res| fail "Failed to execute #{name}, see errors above" unless ok } unless block cmd_args =' ') if Util.win_os? sh(*cmd_args) do |ok, ps| ok, ps end end ensure unless tmp.nil? tmp.close tmp.unlink end end end
Runs Javac with the specified arguments.
The last argument may be a Hash with additional options:
:output – Target directory for all compiled class files.
:classpath – One or more file names, tasks or artifact specifications. These are all expanded into artifacts, and all tasks are invoked.
:sourcepath – Additional source paths to use.
:javac_args – Any additional arguments to pass (e.g. -extdirs, -encoding)
:name – Shows this name, otherwise shows the working directory.
# File lib/buildr/java/commands.rb, line 179 def javac(*args) options = Hash === args.last ? args.pop : {} rake_check_options options, :classpath, :sourcepath, :output, :javac_args, :name files = args.flatten.each { |f| f.invoke if f.respond_to?(:invoke) }.map(&:to_s). collect { |arg| ? FileList["#{File.expand_path(arg)}/**/*.java"] : File.expand_path(arg) }.flatten name = options[:name] || Dir.pwd cmd_args = [] cp = classpath_from(options) cmd_args << '-classpath' << cp.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) unless cp.empty? cmd_args << '-sourcepath' << [options[:sourcepath]].flatten.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) if options[:sourcepath] cmd_args << '-d' << File.expand_path(options[:output].to_s) if options[:output] cmd_args += options[:javac_args].flatten if options[:javac_args] cmd_args += files unless Buildr.application.options.dryrun mkdir_p options[:output] if options[:output] info "Compiling #{files.size} source files in #{name}" trace (['javac'] + cmd_args).join(' ') Java.load == 0 or fail 'Failed to compile, see errors above' end end
Runs Javadocs with the specified files and options.
This method accepts the following special options:
:output – The output directory
:classpath – Array of classpath dependencies.
:sourcepath – Array of sourcepaths (paths or tasks).
:name – Shows this name, otherwise shows the working directory.
All other options are passed to Javadoc as following:
true – As is, for example, :author=>true becomes -author
false – Prefixed, for example, :index=>false becomes -noindex
string – Option with value, for example, :windowtitle=>'My project' becomes -windowtitle “My project”
array – Option with set of values separated by spaces.
# File lib/buildr/java/commands.rb, line 220 def javadoc(*args) options = Hash === args.last ? args.pop : {} fail "No output defined for javadoc" if options[:output].nil? options[:output] = File.expand_path(options[:output].to_s) cmd_args = [ '-d', options[:output], trace?(:javadoc) ? '-verbose' : '-quiet' ] options.reject { |key, value| [:output, :name, :sourcepath, :classpath].include?(key) }. each { |key, value| value.invoke if value.respond_to?(:invoke) }. each do |key, value| case value when true, nil cmd_args << "-#{key}" when false cmd_args << "-no#{key}" when Hash value.each { |k,v| cmd_args << "-#{key}" << k.to_s << v.to_s } else cmd_args += Array(value).map { |item| ["-#{key}", item.to_s] }.flatten end end [:sourcepath, :classpath].each do |option| options[option].to_a.flatten.tap do |paths| cmd_args << "-#{option}" << unless paths.empty? end end files = args.each {|arg| arg.invoke if arg.respond_to?(:invoke)}.collect {|arg| arg.is_a?(Project) ? arg.compile.sources.collect{|dir| Dir["#{File.expand_path(dir.to_s)}/**/*.java"]} : File.expand_path(arg.to_s) } cmd_args += name = options[:name] || Dir.pwd unless Buildr.application.options.dryrun info "Generating Javadoc for #{name}" trace (['javadoc'] + cmd_args).join(' ') Java.load == 0 or fail 'Failed to generate Javadocs, see errors above' end end
Protected Class Methods
Extracts the classpath from the options, expands it by calling artifacts, invokes each of the artifacts and returns an array of paths.
# File lib/buildr/java/commands.rb, line 274 def classpath_from(options) Buildr.artifacts(options[:classpath] || []).map(&:to_s). map { |t| task(t).invoke; File.expand_path(t) } end
Returns the path to the specified Java command (with no argument to java itself).
# File lib/buildr/java/commands.rb, line 262 def path_to_bin(name = nil) home = ENV['JAVA_HOME'] or fail 'Are we forgetting something? JAVA_HOME not set.' bin = Util.normalize_path(File.join(home, 'bin')) fail 'JAVA_HOME environment variable does not point to a valid JRE/JDK installation.' unless File.exist? bin Util.normalize_path(File.join(bin, name.to_s)) end