Location customizers

Apache Brooklyn supports a number of ways to configure and customize locations. These include the JcloudsLocationCustomizer, which is for advanced customization of VM provisioning through jclouds. There is also a MachineLocationCustomizer, which allows customization of machines being obtained from any kind of location (including Bring Your Own Nodes).

Usage Guidelines

Clearly there is an overlap for where things can be done. This section describes the recommended
separation of responsibilities.

These are guidelines only - users are obviously free to make alternative usage decisions based on their particular use-cases.

Responsibilities of Entity versus Location

From an entity’s perspective, it calls location.obtain(options) and gets back a usable MachineLocation that has a standard base operating system that gives remote access (e.g. for Linux it expects credentials for a user with sudo rights, and ssh access).

However, there are special cases - for example the location.obtain(options) could return a Docker container with the software pre-installed, and no remote access (see the Clocker project for more information on use of Docker with Brooklyn).

The entity is then responsible for configuring that machine according to the needs of the software to be installed.

For example, the entity may install software packages, upload/update configuration files, launch processes, etc.

The entity may also configure iptables. This is also possible through the JcloudsLocation configuration. However, it is preferable to do this in the entity because it is part of configuring the machine in the way required for the given software component.

The entity may also perform custom OS setup, such as installing security patches. However, whether this is appropriate depends on the nature of the security patch: if the security patch is specific to the entity type, then it should be done within the entity; but if it is to harden the base OS to make it comply with an organisation’s standards (e.g. to overcome shortcomings of the base image, or to install security patches) then a MachineLocationCustomizer is more appropriate.

Location Configuration Options

This refers to standard location configuration: explicit config keys, and explicit jclouds template configuration that can be passed through.

This kind of configuration is simplest to use. It is the favoured mechanism when it comes to VM provisioning, and should be used wherever possible.

Note that a jclouds TemplateBuilder and cloud-specific TemplateOptions are the generic mechanisms within jclouds for specifying the details of the compute resource to be provisioned.

Jclouds Location Customizer

A JcloudsLocationCustomizer has customization hooks to execute code at the various points of building up the jclouds template and provisioning the machine. Where jclouds is being used and where the required use of jclouds goes beyond simple configuration, this is an appropriate solution.

For example, there is a org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.networking.JcloudsLocationSecurityGroupCustomizer which gives more advanced support for setting up security groups (e.g. in AWS-EC2).

Machine Customizer

The MachineLocationCustomizer allows customization of machines being obtained from any kind of location. For example, this includes for jclouds and for Bring Your Own Nodes (BYON).

It provides customization hooks for when the machine has been provisioned (before it is returned by the location) and when the machine is about to be released by the location.

An example use would be to register (and de-register) the machine in a CMDB.

Jclouds Location Customizers

Warning: additional methods (i.e. customization hooks) may be added to the JcloudsLocationCustomizer interface in future releases. Users are therefore strongly encouraged to sub-class BasicJcloudsLocationCustomizer, rather than implementing JcloudsLocationCustomizer directly.

The JcloudsLocationCustomizer provides customization hooks at various points of the Brooklyn’s use of jclouds. These can be used to adjust the configuration, to do additional setup, to do custom logging, etc.

  • Customize the org.jclouds.compute.domain.TemplateBuilder, before it is used to build the template. This is used to influence the choice of VM image, hardware profile, etc. This hook is not normally required as the location configuration options can be used in instead.

  • Customize the org.jclouds.compute.domain.Template, to be used when creating the machine. This
    hook is most often used for performing custom actions - for example to create or modify a security group or volume, and to update the template’s options to use that.

  • Customize the org.jclouds.compute.options.TemplateOptions to be used when creating the machine. The TemplateOptions could be cast to a cloud-specific sub-type (if this does not have to work across different clouds). Where the use-case is to just set simple configuration on the TemplateOptions, consider instead using the config key templateOptions, which takes a map of type String to Object - the strings should match the method names in the TemplateOptions.

  • Customize the org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.JcloudsMachineLocation that has been created. For Linux-based VMs, if the config waitForSshable was not false, then this machine is guaranteed to be ssh’able. Similarly for WinRM access to Windows machines, if waitForWinRmAvailable was not false.

  • Pre-release of the machine. If the actions required are specific to jclouds (e.g. using jclouds to make calls to the cloud provider) then this should be used; otherwise one should use the more generic MachineLocationCustomizer.

  • Post-release of the machine (i.e. after asking jclouds to destroying the machine).

To register a JcloudsLocationCustomizer in YAML, the config key customizers can be used to provide a list of instances. Each instance can be defined using $brooklyn:object to indicate the type and its configuration. For example:

    - $brooklyn:object:
        type: com.acme.brooklyn.MyJcloudsLocationCustomizer

To register JcloudsLocationCustomizer instances programmatically, set the config key JcloudsLocationConfig.JCLOUDS_LOCATION_CUSTOMIZERS on the location, or pass this config option when calling location.obtain(options).

Machine Location Customizers

Warning: additional methods (i.e. customization hooks) may be added to the MachineLocationCustomizer interface in future releases. Users are therefore strongly encouraged to sub-class BasicMachineLocationCustomizer, rather than implementing MachineLocationCustomizer directly.

The MachineLocationCustomizer provides customization hooks for when a machine is obtained/released from a MachineProvisioningLocation. The following hooks are supported:

  • After the machine has been provisioned/allocated, but before it has been returned.

  • When the machine is about to be released, but prior to actually destroying/unallocating the machine.

To register a MachineLocationCustomizer in YAML, the config key machineCustomizers can be used
to provide a list of instances. Each instance can be defined using $brooklyn:object to indicate the type and its configuration. For example:

    - $brooklyn:object:
        type: com.acme.brooklyn.MyMachineLocationCustomizer

To register MachineLocationCustomizer instances programmatically, set the config key CloudLocationConfig.MACHINE_LOCATION_CUSTOMIZERS on the location, or pass this config option when calling location.obtain(options).