CLI Reference Guide


   br - A Brooklyn command line client application

   br [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

List of Commands

Commands whose description begins with a * character are particularly experimental and likely to change in upcoming releases.


   access		Show access control
   activity		Show the activity for an application / entity
   add-catalog		* Add a new catalog item from the supplied YAML
   add-children		* Add a child or children to this entity from the supplied YAML
   application		Show the status and location of running applications
   catalog		* List the available catalog applications
   config		Show the config for an application or entity
   delete		* Delete (expunge) a brooklyn application
   deploy		Deploy a new application from the given YAML (read from file or stdin)
   destroy-policy	Destroy a policy
   effector		Show the effectors for an application or entity
   entity		Show the entities of an application or entity
   env			Show the ENV stream for a given activity
   invoke		Invoke an effector of an application and entity
   locations		* List the available locations
   login		Login to brooklyn
   policy		Show the policies for an application or entity
   rename		Rename an application or entity
   restart		Invoke restart effector on an application and entity
   sensor		Show values of all sensors or named sensor for an application or entity
   set			Set config for an entity
   spec			Get the YAML spec used to create the entity, if available
   start		Invoke start effector on an application and entity
   start-policy		Start or resume a policy
   stderr		Show the STDERR stream for a given activity
   stdin		Show the STDIN stream for a given activity
   stdout		Show the STDOUT stream for a given activity
   stop			Invoke stop effector on an application and entity
   stop-policy		Suspends a policy
   tree			* Show the tree of all applications
   version		Display the version of the connected Brooklyn

   --help, -h		show help
   --version, -v	print the version


Many commands require a “scope” expression to indicate the target on which they operate. Where this is required the usage statements below will use the shorthand nomenclature of <X-scope>.
The various scopes should be replaced on the command line as:

  • <app-scope>
    application <Name|AppID>

  • <entity-scope>
    application <Name|AppID> entity <Name|EntityID>

  • <effector-scope>
    application <Name|AppID> effector <Name>
    application <Name|AppID> entity <Name|EntityID> effector <Name>

  • <config-scope>
    application <Name|AppID> entity <Name|EntityID> config <ConfigID>

  • <activity-scope>
    activity <ActivityID>
    application <Name|AppID> entity <Name|EntityID> activity <ActivityID>


Many of the commands and scopes have shortened aliases:

activity     act
application  app
entity       ent
policy       pol

Command Reference


  • br login <URL> [username [password]]
    Login to Brooklyn. The CLI will prompt for a password if it is not provided. If the Brooklyn server is running on localhost with no security enabled, the username and password may be omitted.
    On successful login, the version of the connected Brooklyn server is shown.

  • br version Show the version of the connected Brooklyn server.


  • br deploy ( <FILE> | - )
    Deploy an application based on the supplied YAML file or read from STDIN when - is given instead of a file name.

  • br application
    List the running applications.

  • br application <Name|AppID>
    Show the detail for an application.

  • br <app-scope> config
    Show the configuration details for an application.

  • br <app-scope> config <ConfigID>
    Show the value for a configuration item.

  • br <app-scope> spec
    Show the YAML specification used to create the application.

  • br <app-scope> rename <Name>
    Rename the application to .

  • br <app-scope> stop
    Stop an application. See below for further information on the stop effector.

  • br <app-scope> start
    Start an application. See below for further information on the start effector.

  • br <app-scope> restart
    Restart an application. See below for further information on the restart effector.

  • br <app-scope> delete
    Delete an application from Brooklyn.
    NOTE: Use this command with care. Even if the application / entities are still running, Brooklyn will drop all knowledge of them and they will be left running in an ‘orphaned’ state.


  • br <app-scope> entity
    List the child entities for an application.

  • br <entity-scope> entity
    List the child entities for an entity.

  • br <app-scope> entity <Name|EntityID>
    Show the detail of an entity.

  • br <app-scope> entity -c <Name|EntityID>
    List the child entities for an entity.

  • br <entity-scope> config
    Show the configuration details for an entity.

  • br <entity-scope> config <ConfigID>
    Show the value for a configuration item.

  • br <config-scope> set <ConfigValue>
    Set the value of a configuration item.

  • br <entity-scope> spec
    Show the YAML specification used to create the entity.

  • br <entity-scope> rename <Name>
    Rename the entity to .

  • br <entity-scope> stop
    Stop an entity. See below for further information on the stop effector.

  • br <entity-scope> start
    Start an entity. See below for further information on the start effector.

  • br <entity-scope> restart
    Restart an entity. See below for further information on the restart effector.


  • br <app-scope> sensor
    List the sensors and values for an application.

  • br <app-scope> sensor <SensorID>
    Show the value for a sensor.

  • br <entity-scope> sensor
    List the sensors and values for an entity.

  • br <entity-scope> sensor <SensorID>
    Show the value for a sensor.


  • br <app-scope> effector
    List the effectors for an application.

  • br <app-scope> effector <EffectorID>
    Show the detail for an application effector.

  • br <app-scope> effector <EffectorID> invoke
    Invoke the effector without any parameters.

  • br <app-scope> effector <EffectorID> invoke [<param>=<value> ...]
    Invoke the effector with one of more parameters.

  • br <entity-scope> effector
    List the effectors for an entity.

  • br <entity-scope> effector <EffectorID>
    Show the detail for an entity effector.

  • br <entity-scope> effector <EffectorID> invoke
    Invoke the effector without any parameters.

  • br <entity-scope> effector <EffectorID> invoke [<param>=<value> ...]
    Invoke the effector with one of more parameters.
    If the parameter value is complex or multi-lined it may be provided in a file and referenced as:

NOTE Shortcut commands have been provided for the standard start, restart and stop effectors. For example:

  • br <app-scope> stop
  • br <entity-scope> restart restartChildren=true


  • br <entity-scope> policy
    List the policies for an entity.

  • br <entity-scope> policy <PolicyID>
    Show the detail for an entity policy.

  • br <entity-scope> start-policy <PolicyID>
    Start an entity policy.

  • br <entity-scope> stop-policy <PolicyID>
    Stop an entity policy.

  • br <entity-scope> destroy-policy <PolicyID>
    Destroy an entity policy.


  • br <app-scope> activity
    List the activities for an application.

  • br <entity-scope> activity
    List the activities for an entity.

  • br <activity-scope> activity
    List the activities for an activity (ie its children).

  • br activity <ActivityID>
    Show the detail for an activity.

  • br activity -c <ActivityID>
    List the child activities of an activity.

  • br <activity-scope> stdin
    Show the <STDIN> stream for an activity.

  • br <activity-scope> stdout
    Show the <STDOUT> stream for an activity.

  • br <activity-scope> stderr
    Show the <STDERR> stream for an activity.

  • br <activity-scope> env
    Show the Environment for an activity.


These commands are likely to change significantly or be removed in later versions of the Brooklyn CLI.


  • br tree
    List all of the applications and entities in a tree representation.


  • br <entity-scope> add-children <FILE>
    Add a child or children to the entity from a YAML file.


  • br catalog
    List the application catalog.

  • br add-catalog <FILE>
    Add a catalog entry from a YAML file.

  • br locations
    List the location catalog.

  • br access
    Show if you have access to provision locations.