Broooklyn YAML Blueprint Reference

Root Elements

  • name: human readable names
  • services: a list of ServiceSpecification elements
  • location (or locations taking a list): a LocationSpecification element as a string or a map

Service Specification Elements

Within the services block, a list of maps should be supplied, with each map defining a ServiceSpecification. Each ServiceSpecification should declare the service type (synonyms serviceType and service_type), indicating what type of service is being specified there. The following formats are supported for defining types:

  • io.brooklyn.package.JavaEntityClass
  • java:io.brooklyn.package.JavaEntityClass
  • OSGi and YAML references are coming soon!

A reference of some of the common service type instances used is included in a section below.

Within the ServiceSpecification, other key-value pairs can be supplied to customize the entity being defined, with these being the most common:

  • id: an ID string, used to refer to this service

  • location (or locations): as defined in the root element

  • brooklyn.config: configuration key-value pairs passed to the service entity being created

  • brooklyn.children: a list of ServiceSpecifications which will be configured as children of this entity

  • brooklyn.policies: a list of policies, each as a map described with their type and their brooklyn.config as keys

  • brooklyn.enrichers: a list of enrichers, each as a map described with their type and their brooklyn.config as keys; see the keys declared on individual enrichers; also see this enricher example for a detailed and commented illustration

  • brooklyn.initializers: a list of EntityInitializer instances to be constructed and run against the entity, each as a map described with their type and their brooklyn.config as keys. An EntityInitiailzer can perform arbitrary customization to an entity whilst it is being constructed, such as adding dynamic sensors and effectors. These classes must expose a public constructor taking a single Map where the brooklyn.config is passed in. Some common initializers are:

    • takes a name and command, and optionally a map of named parameters to their description and defaultValue, to define an effector with the given name implemented by the given SSH command (on an entity which as an ssh-able machine)

    • takes a name and command, and optionally a period, to create a sensor feed which populates the sensor with the given name by running the given command (on an entity which as an ssh-able machine)

Entities, policies, and initializers may accept additional key-value pairs, usually documented in their documentation (e.g. javadoc), or in the case of Java often as static fields in the underlying Java class. Often there are config keys or flags (indicated by @SetFromFlag) declared on the class; these declared flags and config keys may be passed in at the root of the ServiceSpecification or in brooklyn.config. (Undeclared config is only accepted in the brooklyn.config map.)

Location Specification Elements

In brief, location specs are supplied as follows, either for the entire application (at the root) or for a specific ServiceSpecification:

    region: us-east-1
    identity: AKA_YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID
    credential: <access-key-hex-digits>

Or in many cases it can be in-lined:

location: localhost
location: named:my_openstack
location: aws-ec2:us-west-1

For the first immediately, you’ll need password-less ssh access to localhost. For the second, you’ll need to define a named location in, using brooklyn.location.named.my_openstack.... properties. For the third, you’ll need to have the identity and credentials defined in, using properties.

If specifying multiple locations, e.g. for a fabric:

- localhost
- named:my_openstack
- aws-ec2:us-east-2   # if credentials defined in `
- jclouds:aws-ec2:
    region: us-east-1
    identity: AKA_YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID
    credential: <access-key-hex-digits>

If you have pre-existing nodes, you can use the byon provider, either in this format:

    user: root
    privateKeyFile: ~/.ssh/key.pem
    - brooklyn@
    - brooklyn@


    user: root
    privateKeyFile: ~/.ssh/key.pem
    hosts: "{81.95.144.{58,59},brooklyn@159.253.144.{139-140}"

You cannot use glob expansions with the list notation, nor can you specify per-host information apart from user within a single byon declaration. However you can combine locations using multi:

    - byon:
        user: root
        privateKeyFile: ~/.ssh/key.pem
    - byon:
        privateKeyFile: ~/.ssh/brooklyn_key.pem
        hosts: brooklyn@159.253.144{139-140}

DSL Commands

Dependency injection other powerful references and types can be built up within the YAML using the concise DSL defined here:

  • $brooklyn:attributeWhenReady("sensor") will store a future which will be blocked when it is accessed, until the given sensor from this entity “truthy” (i.e. non-trivial, non-empty, non-zero) value (see below on component for looking up values on other sensors)
  • $brooklyn:config("key") will insert the value set against the given key at this entity (or nearest ancestor); can be used to supply config at the root which is used in multiple places in the plan
  • $brooklyn:sensor("") returns the given sensor on the current entity if found, or an untyped (Object) sensor; $brooklyn:sensor("io.brooklyn.ContainingEntityClass", "") returns the strongly typed sensor defined in the given class
  • $brooklyn:component("ID") refers to a Brooklyn component with the given ID; you can then access the following subfields, using the same syntax as defined above but with a different reference entity, e.g. $brooklyn:component("ID").attributeWhenReady("sensor"):
    • .attributeWhenReady("sensor")
    • .config("key")
    • .sensor("")
  • $brooklyn:component("scope", "ID") is also supported, to limit scope to any of
    • global: looks for the ID anywhere in the plan
    • child: looks for the ID anywhere in the child only
    • descendant: looks for the ID anywhere in children or their descendants
    • sibling: looks for the ID anywhere among children of the parent entity
    • parent: returns the parent entity (ignores the ID)
    • this: returns this entity (ignores the ID)
  • $brooklyn:formatString("pattern e.g. %s %s", "field 1", "field 2") returns a future which creates the formatted string with the given parameters, where parameters may be strings or other tasks such as attributeWhenReady
  • $brooklyn:literal("string") returns the given string as a literal (suppressing any $brooklyn: expansion)
  • $brooklyn:object(Map) creates an object, using keys type to define the java type, and either object.fields or brooklyn.config to supply bean/constructor/flags to create an instance
  • $brooklyn:entitySpec(Map) returns a new ServiceSpecification as defined by the given Map, but as an EntitySpec suitable for setting as the value of ConfigKey<EntitySpec> config items (such as memberSpec in DynamicCluster)

Parameters above can be supplied either as strings or as lists and maps in YAML, and the $brooklyn: syntax can be used within those parameters.

Some Powerful YAML Entities

All entities support configuration via YAML, but these entities in particular have been designed for general purpose use from YAML. Consult the Javadoc for these elements for more information:

  • Vanilla Software in VanillaSoftwareProcess: makes it very easy to build entities which use bash commands to install and the PID to stop and restart
  • Chef in ChefSoftwareProcess: makes it easy to use Chef cookbooks to build entities, either with recipes following conventions or with configuration in the ServiceSpecification to use artibitrary recipes
  • DynamicCluster: provides resizable clusters given a memberSpec set with $brooklyn.entitySpec(Map) as described above
  • DynamicFabric: provides a set of homogeneous instances started in different locations, with an effector to addLocation, i.e. add a new instance in a given location, at runtime