IRC is a basic group chat system used by many open source projects to enable developers to collaborate and to help users communicate and support each other. Brooklyn has an IRC channel where users and developers hang out.

Getting Help On IRC

When you connect to the Brooklyn IRC channel, say Hi and then ask your question. It may take a little while for someone to see and respond to your question. (Be patient if you don't get an instant answer - unless there's already a conversation happening folk will probably not have their eyes on the channel.)

You may want to do other things while you wait, like reviewing the brooklyn mailing list lists to see if anyone has had the same issue before.

Brooklyn IRC Channel

  • IRC Server:
  • Channel/Room: #brooklyncentral
  • Port: 6667 (Default)

If you are new to IRC, there is a web interface at but you may prefer to checkout the Wikipedia IRC article for an IRC application.

You can find more information about using IRC at