# This is Brooklyn's .properties file. # It should be located at "~/.brooklyn/brooklyn.properties" ################################## Welcome! ############################################ # It's great to have you here. # Getting Started options have been pulled to the top. They are repeated further down. # When you are happy with what Brooklyn does, and how to use it, you can delete this # Getting Started Section completely, and use the full options below to setup your # configuration. # (There's a formatting guide at the very bottom.) ############################ Getting Started Options #################################### ## Amazon EC2 Credentials brooklyn.jclouds.aws-ec2.identity = YOURAPIKEY brooklyn.jclouds.aws-ec2.credential = YOURSECRETKEY ## Rackspace First Gen Credentials brooklyn.jclouds.cloudservers-us.identity = YOURAPIKEY brooklyn.jclouds.cloudservers-us.credential = YOURSECRETKEY # Based in the UK? #brooklyn.jclouds.cloudservers-uk.identity = YOURAPIKEY #brooklyn.jclouds.cloudservers-uk.credential = YOURSECRETKEY ## Geoscaling Service (Used for global web fabric demo) https://www.geoscaling.com/dns2/ brooklyn.geoscaling.username = USERNAME brooklyn.geoscaling.password = PASSWORD brooklyn.geoscaling.primaryDomain = DOMAIN # Beware of trailing spaces in your cloud credentials. This will cause unexpected # 401: unauthorized responses. # That's it. Getting started Finished! ################################ Brooklyn Options ######################################## ## SSH key for localhost # (~/.ssh/id_rsa is Brooklyn's default location.) Passphrases are optional. # brooklyn.localhost.private-key-file = ~/.ssh/id_rsa # brooklyn.localhost.private-key-passphrase = s3cr3tpassphrase ## GUI Security # brooklyn.webconsole.security.explicit.users=admin # brooklyn.webconsole.security.explicit.user.admin=password ## GUI Security: Allow all. # brooklyn.webconsole.security.provider = brooklyn.rest.security.provider.AnyoneSecurityProvider #################################### Locations ########################################### # Named locations appear in the web console. If using the command line, it may be as easy # to use the jclouds: locations. ## Example: AWS Virginia using Rightscale 6.3 64bit Centos AMI and Large Instances # brooklyn.location.named.AWS\ Virginia\ Large\ Centos = jclouds:aws-ec2:us-east-1 # brooklyn.location.named.AWS\ Virginia\ Large\ Centos.imageId=us-east-1/ami-7d7bfc14 # brooklyn.location.named.AWS\ Virginia\ Large\ Centos.user=root # brooklyn.location.named.AWS\ Virginia\ Large\ Centos.minRam=4096 ## Example: Rackspace US using Debian # brooklyn.location.named.Rackspace\ US\ -\ Debian = jclouds:cloudservers-us # brooklyn.location.named.Rackspace\ US\ -\ Debian.image-name-regex = Debian ## Example: AWS Oregon with Meta Data # brooklyn.location.named.AWS\ EC2\ Oregon = jclouds:aws-ec2:us-west-2 # brooklyn.location.named.AWS\ EC2\ Oregon.userMetadata = application=my-oregon-app,owner="Awesome Brooklyn User" ## Example: AWS Ireland using Alternative Keys # brooklyn.location.named.AWS\ EC2\ Ireland\ Alt \Keys = jclouds:aws-ec2:eu-west-1 # brooklyn.location.named.AWS\ EC2\ Ireland.private-key-file = ~/.ssh/alternative_rsa # brooklyn.location.named.AWS\ EC2\ Ireland.public-key-file = ~/.ssh/alternative_rsa.pub ## List of jclouds Compute Locations ## jclouds is a multi-cloud library that Brooklyn uses to access many clouds. ## Supported clouds: http://www.jclouds.org/documentation/reference/supported-providers/ ## ## Comment out those that you don't need. ## Remember to define your identity and credential for each provider ## e.g: brooklyn.jclouds.aws-ec2.identity = ? ## brooklyn.jclouds.aws-ec2.credential = ? ## brooklyn.jclouds.cloudservers-us.identity = ? ## brooklyn.jclouds.cloudservers-us.credential = ? ## # Note: For the convenience of new users, we have specified Ubuntu 12.04 LTS AMIs within # AWS, deploying to m1.smalls, minimum. Ubuntu requires user = ubuntu. # Please change these to better suit your requirements. # (Note: If no parameters are set jclouds will pick AMIs at random, user=root, t1.micros.) #brooklyn.jclouds.aws-ec2.identity = YOURAPIKEY #brooklyn.jclouds.aws-ec2.credential = YOURSECRETKEY brooklyn.jclouds.aws-ec2.minRam = 1600 brooklyn.location.named.AWS\ Virginia\ (us-east-1) = jclouds:aws-ec2:us-east-1 brooklyn.location.named.AWS\ Virginia\ (us-east-1).imageId = us-east-1/ami-d0f89fb9 brooklyn.location.named.AWS\ Virginia\ (us-east-1).user = ubuntu brooklyn.location.named.AWS\ Oregon\ (us-west-2) = jclouds:aws-ec2:us-west-2 brooklyn.location.named.AWS\ Oregon\ (us-west-2).imageId = us-west-2/ami-70f96e40 brooklyn.location.named.AWS\ Oregon\ (us-west-2).user = ubuntu brooklyn.location.named.AWS\ California\ (us-west-1) = jclouds:aws-ec2:us-west-1 brooklyn.location.named.AWS\ California\ (us-west-1).imageId = us-west-1/ami-fe002cbb brooklyn.location.named.AWS\ California\ (us-west-1).user = ubuntu brooklyn.location.named.AWS\ Ireland\ (eu-west-1) = jclouds:aws-ec2:eu-west-1 brooklyn.location.named.AWS\ Ireland\ (eu-west-1).imageId = eu-west-1/ami-ce7b6fba brooklyn.location.named.AWS\ Ireland\ (eu-west-1).user = ubuntu brooklyn.location.named.AWS\ Singapore\ (ap-southeast-1) = jclouds:aws-ec2:ap-southeast-1 brooklyn.location.named.AWS\ Singapore\ (ap-southeast-1).imageId = ap-southeast-1/ami-64084736 brooklyn.location.named.AWS\ Singapore\ (ap-southeast-1).user = ubuntu brooklyn.location.named.AWS\ Tokyo\ (ap-northeast-1) = jclouds:aws-ec2:ap-northeast-1 brooklyn.location.named.AWS\ Tokyo\ (ap-northeast-1).imageId = ap-northeast-1/ami-fe6ceeff brooklyn.location.named.AWS\ Tokyo\ (ap-northeast-1).user = ubuntu brooklyn.location.named.AWS\ Sydney\ (ap-southeast-2) = jclouds:aws-ec2:ap-southeast-2 brooklyn.location.named.AWS\ Sydney\ (ap-southeast-2).imageId = ap-southeast-2/ami-04ea7a3e brooklyn.location.named.AWS\ Sydney\ (ap-southeast-2).user = ubuntu brooklyn.location.named.AWS\ Sao\ Paulo\ (sa-east-1) = jclouds:aws-ec2:sa-east-1 brooklyn.location.named.AWS\ Sao\ Paulo\ (sa-east-1).imageId = sa-east-1/ami-a3da00be brooklyn.location.named.AWS\ Sao\ Paulo\ (sa-east-1).user = ubuntu # brooklyn.location.named.Bluelock = jclouds:bluelock-vcloud-zone01 # brooklyn.location.named.CloudSigma\ Nevada = jclouds:cloudsigma-lvs # brooklyn.location.named.CloudSigma\ Zurich = jclouds:cloudsigma-zrh # brooklyn.location.named.ElasticHosts\ London = jclouds:elastichosts-lon-p # brooklyn.location.named.ElasticHosts\ Texas = jclouds:elastichosts-sat-p # brooklyn.location.named.GleSYS = jclouds:glesys # brooklyn.location.named.Go2Cloud = jclouds:go2cloud-jhb1 # brooklyn.location.named.GoGrid = jclouds:gogrid # brooklyn.location.named.Green\ House\ Data = jclouds:greenhousedata-element-vcloud # brooklyn.location.named.HP = jclouds:hpcloud-compute # brooklyn.location.named.Ninefold = jclouds:ninefold-compute # brooklyn.location.named.OpenHosting = jclouds:openhosting-east1 # brooklyn.jclouds.cloudservers-us.identity = YOURAPIKEY # brooklyn.jclouds.cloudservers-us.credential = YOURSECRETKEY # brooklyn.jclouds.cloudservers-uk.identity = YOURAPIKEY # brooklyn.jclouds.cloudservers-uk.credential = YOURSECRETKEY brooklyn.location.named.Rackspace\ UK = jclouds:cloudservers-uk brooklyn.location.named.Rackspace\ US = jclouds:cloudservers-us brooklyn.location.named.Rackspace\ UK\ (Next\ Gen) = jclouds:rackspace-cloudservers-uk brooklyn.location.named.Rackspace\ US\ (Next\ Gen) = jclouds:rackspace-cloudservers-us # brooklyn.location.named.SeverLove = jclouds:serverlove-z1-man # brooklyn.location.named.SkaliCloud = jclouds:skalicloud-sdg-my # brooklyn.location.named.SoftLayer = jclouds:softlayer # brooklyn.location.named.Stratogen = jclouds:stratogen-vcloud-mycloud # brooklyn.location.named.TryStack\ (Openstack) = jclouds:trystack-nova ## Production pool of machines for my application (deploy to named:On-Prem\ Iron\ Example) #brooklyn.location.named.On-Prem\ Iron\ Example=byon:(hosts=",,produser2@10.9.2.{10,11,20-29}") #brooklyn.location.named.On-Prem\ Iron\ Example.user=produser1 #brooklyn.location.named.On-Prem\ Iron\ Example.privateKeyFile=~/.ssh/produser_id_rsa #brooklyn.location.named.On-Prem\ Iron\ Example.privateKeyPassphrase=s3cr3tpassphrase ############################### Formatting Guide ####################################### ! Both # and ! mark lines as comments # The follow syntax are ALL valid. # example_key example_value # example_key : example_value # example_key = example_value # example_key=example_value # The backslash below tells Brooklyn to continue reading the value onto the next line. # example_key = A very \ # long string! # Note all white space before 'long...' is ignored. Also '!' is kept as part of the string # Keys with spaces should be escaped with backslashes. # This is useful for named locations, as the name displayed in Brooklyn's web # interface is derived from the key name. # key\ with\ spaces = some\ value # Encoding for .properties must be ISO-8859-1, aka Latin-1. # All non-latin1 characters must be entered using unicode escape characters # polish_pangram = P\u00F3jd\u017A\u017Ce, ki\u0144 \ # t\u0119 chmurno\u015B\u0107 w g\u0142\u0105b flaszy!