Site Structure

The site structure and menus are built by a plug-in in site_structure.rb. This plug-in looks in the YAML front matter for child pages to build the structure, and breadcrumbs to determine the parent pages to display.

Child pages are a list of objects, stored in the field children. These are defined by string path to a file or a YAML object with a path to another file, or a link to an external URL. In addition a title can be defined for the text content of the HTML menu option. See the example below from /guide/

- /website/documentation/
- { path: /guide/start/ }
- { path: /guide/misc/ }
- { path: /guide/concepts/ }
- { path: /guide/blueprints/ }
- { path: /guide/java/ }
- { path: /guide/ops/ }
- { path: /guide/misc/ }