.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- :mod:`trac.util.text` -- Text manipulation ========================================== .. module :: trac.util.text The Unicode toolbox ------------------- Trac internals are almost exclusively dealing with Unicode text, represented by `unicode` instances. The main advantage of using `unicode` over UTF-8 encoded `str` (as this used to be the case before version 0.10), is that text transformation functions in the present module will operate in a safe way on individual characters, and won't risk to eventually cut a multi-byte sequence in the middle. Similar issues with Python string handling routines are avoided as well, like surprising results when splitting text in lines. For example, did you know that "Priorità" is encoded as ``'Priorit\xc3\x0a'`` in UTF-8? Calling `strip()` on this value in some locales can cut away the trailing ``\x0a`` and it's no longer valid UTF-8. The drawback is that most of the outside world, while eventually "Unicode", is definitely not `unicode`. This is why we need to convert back and forth between `str` and `unicode` at the boundaries of the system. And more often than not we even have to guess which encoding is used in the incoming `str` strings. Encoding `unicode` to `str` is usually directly performed by calling `encode()` on the `unicode` instance, while decoding is preferably left to the `to_unicode` helper function, which converts `str` to `unicode` in a robust, guaranteed successful way. .. autofunction :: to_unicode .. autofunction :: exception_to_unicode Web utilities ............. .. autofunction :: unicode_quote .. autofunction :: unicode_quote_plus .. autofunction :: unicode_unquote .. autofunction :: unicode_urlencode .. autofunction :: quote_query_string Console and file system ....................... .. autofunction :: path_to_unicode .. autofunction :: stream_encoding .. autofunction :: console_print .. autofunction :: printout .. autofunction :: printerr .. autofunction :: raw_input Miscellaneous ............. .. data :: empty A special tag object evaluating to the empty string, used as marker for missing value (as opposed to a present but empty value). .. autoclass :: unicode_passwd .. autofunction :: to_utf8 Text formatting --------------- .. autofunction :: pretty_size .. autofunction :: breakable_path .. autofunction :: normalize_whitespace .. autofunction :: unquote_label .. autofunction :: fix_eol .. autofunction :: expandtabs .. autofunction :: javascript_quote .. autofunction :: obfuscate_email_address .. autofunction :: text_width .. autofunction :: print_table .. autofunction :: shorten_line .. autofunction :: wrap Conversion utilities -------------------- .. autofunction :: unicode_to_base64 .. autofunction :: unicode_from_base64