:mod:`trac.util.datefmt` -- Date and Time manipulation ====================================================== .. module :: trac.util.datefmt Since version 0.10, Trac mainly uses `datetime.datetime` objects for handling date and time values. This enables us to properly deal with timezones so that time can be shown in the user's own local time. Conversion ---------- From "anything" to a `datetime`: .. autofunction :: to_datetime A `datetime` can be converted to milliseconds and microseconds timestamps. The latter is the preferred representation for dates and times values for storing them in the database, since Trac 0.12. .. autofunction :: to_timestamp .. autofunction :: to_utimestamp Besides `to_datetime`, there's a specialized conversion from microseconds timestamps to `datetime`: .. autofunction :: from_utimestamp Parsing ------- .. autofunction :: parse_date Formatting ---------- .. autofunction :: pretty_timedelta .. autofunction :: format_datetime Derivatives: .. autofunction :: format_date .. autofunction :: format_time Propose suggestion for date/time input format: .. autofunction :: get_date_format_hint .. autofunction :: get_datetime_format_hint .. autofunction :: http_date Formatting and parsing according to user preferences: .. autofunction :: user_time Timezone utilities ------------------ .. autoattribute :: trac.util.datefmt.localtz .. attribute :: trac.util.datefmt.all_timezones List of all available timezones. If pytz_ is installed, this corresponds to a rich variety of "official" timezones, otherwise this corresponds to `FixedOffset` instances, ranging from GMT -12:00 to GMT +13:00. .. autofunction :: get_timezone .. autoclass :: FixedOffset .. _pytz: http://pytz.sourceforge.net/