= Testing Bloodhound Relations plugin = == Overview == This plugin makes use of `setuptools` `test` command. Therefore all test-support libraries needed to run the test suite should be installed automatically (... considering the fact that they are listed in `tests_require` and `install_requires` entries in `setup.ini` script ;). Recommended is the use of virtual Python environments. == How to run tests == All tests are written in files under `bhrelations/tests` folder (sub-modules of `bhrelations.tests`) having names starting with prefix `test_`. The following command should be enough so as to run tests in one such module : {{{ #!sh $ /path/to/python setup.py test -m bhrelations.tests.test_ }}} ... where `` should be replaced to match the name of an existing file containing tests e.g. {{{ #!sh $ /path/to/python setup.py test -m bhrelations.tests.test_report }}} == Continuous integration == *TODO* == How do we run tests == At present members of the team run tests on their computers as mentioned below : - ''Python'' '''2.6''' virtual environment , Trac '''1.0.1''' . Besides there's a whole continuous integration infrastructure behind the project (but that's TBD so far, should be documented later so that's in the *TODO* list).