# == Makefile for Trac related tasks (beyond those supported by setuptools) == # # Automating testing, i18n tasks, documentation generation, ... see HELP below # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Note about customization: # No changes to the present Makefile should be necessary, # rather copy Makefile.cfg.sample to Makefile.cfg and adapt it # to match your local environment. # # Note that this is a GNU Makefile, nmake and other abominations are # not supported. # # ============================================================================ define HELP Please use `make ' where is one of: clean delete all compiled files status show which Python is used and other infos [python=...] variable for selecting Python version ---------------- Testing tasks unit-test run unit tests functional-test run functional tests test-wiki shortcut for running all wiki unit tests test run all tests coverage run all tests, under coverage figleaf run all tests, under figleaf [db=...] variable for selecting database backend [test=...] variable for selecting a single test file [testopts=...] variable containing extra options for running tests [coverageopts=...] variable containing extra options for coverage ---------------- Code checking tasks pylint check code with pylint ---------------- Standalone test server server start tracd [port=...] variable for selecting the port [auth=...] variable for specifying authentication [env=...] variable for the trac environment or parent dir [tracdopts=...] variable containing extra options for tracd ---------------- L10N tasks init-xy create catalogs for given xy locale extraction regenerate the catalog templates update update all the catalog files from the templates update-xy update the catalogs for the xy locale only compile compile all the catalog files compile-xy compile the catalogs for the xy locale only check verify all the catalog files check-xy verify the catalogs for the xy locale only stats detailed translation statistics for all catalogs stats-pot total messages in the catalog templates stats-xy translated, fuzzy, untranslated for the xy locale only summary display percent translated for all catalogs summary-xy display percent translated for the xy locale only (suitable for a commit message) diff show relevant changes after an update for all catalogs diff-xy show relevant changes after an update for the xy locale [locale=...] variable for selecting a set of locales ---------------- Documentation tasks apidoc|sphinx generate the Sphinx documentation (all specified formats) apidoc-html generate the Sphinx documentation in HTML format apidoc-pdf generate the Sphinx documentation in PDF format apidoc-check check for missing symbols in Sphinx documentation apiref|epydoc generate the full API reference using Epydoc [sphinxformat=...] list of formats for generated documentation [sphinxopts=...] variable containing extra options for Sphinx [sphinxopts-html=...] variable containing extra options used for html format [epydocopts=...] variable containing extra options for Epydoc [dotpath=/.../dot] path to Graphviz dot program (not used yet) endef export HELP # ` (keep emacs font-lock happy) define HELP_CFG It looks like you don't have a Makefile.cfg file yet. You can get started by doing `cp Makefile.cfg.sample Makefile.cfg' and then adapt it to your environment. endef export HELP_CFG # ============================================================================ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Main targets # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .PHONY: all help status clean clean-bytecode clean-mo ifdef test all: status python $(test) $(testopts) else all: help endif help: Makefile.cfg @echo "$$HELP" Makefile.cfg: @echo "$$HELP_CFG" status: @echo -n "Python version: " @python -V @echo -n "figleaf: " @-which figleaf 2>/dev/null || echo @echo -n "coverage: " @-which coverage 2>/dev/null || echo @echo "PYTHONPATH=$$PYTHONPATH" @echo "TRAC_TEST_DB_URI=$$TRAC_TEST_DB_URI" @echo "server-options=$(server-options)" Trac.egg-info: status python setup.py egg_info clean: clean-bytecode clean-figleaf clean-coverage clean-doc clean-bytecode: find -name \*.py[co] -exec rm {} \; Makefile: ; # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -include Makefile.cfg # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # L10N related tasks # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- catalogs = messages messages-js tracini ifdef locale locales = $(locale) else locales = $(wildcard trac/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po) locales := $(subst trac/locale/,,$(locales)) locales := $(subst /LC_MESSAGES/messages.po,,$(locales)) locales := $(sort $(locales)) endif # Note: variables only valid within a $(foreach catalog,...) evaluation catalog.po = trac/locale/$(*)/LC_MESSAGES/$(catalog).po catalog.pot = trac/locale/$(catalog).pot catalog_stripped = $(subst messages,,$(subst -,,$(catalog))) _catalog = $(if $(catalog_stripped),_)$(catalog_stripped) .PHONY: extract extraction update compile check stats summary diff init-%: @$(foreach catalog,$(catalogs), \ [ -e $(catalog.po) ] \ && echo "$(catalog.po) already exists" \ || python setup.py init_catalog$(_catalog) -l $(*);) extract extraction: python setup.py $(foreach catalog,$(catalogs),\ extract_messages$(_catalog)) update-%: python setup.py $(foreach catalog,$(catalogs), \ update_catalog$(_catalog) -l $(*)) ifdef locale update: $(addprefix update-,$(locale)) else update: python setup.py $(foreach catalog,$(catalogs), \ update_catalog$(_catalog)) endif compile-%: python setup.py $(foreach catalog,$(catalogs), \ compile_catalog$(_catalog) -l $(*)) \ generate_messages_js -l $(*) ifdef locale compile: $(addprefix compile-,$(locale)) else compile: python setup.py $(foreach catalog,$(catalogs), \ compile_catalog$(_catalog)) endif check: pre-check $(addprefix check-,$(locales)) @echo "All catalogs checked are OK" pre-check: @echo "checking catalogs for $(locales)..." check-%: @echo -n "$(@): " python setup.py $(foreach catalog,$(catalogs), \ check_catalog$(_catalog) -l $(*)) stats: pre-stats $(addprefix stats-,$(locales)) pre-stats: stats-pot @echo "translation statistics for $(locales)..." stats-pot: @echo "translation statistics for catalog templates:" @$(foreach catalog,$(catalogs), \ echo -n "$(catalog.pot): "; \ msgfmt --statistics $(catalog.pot);) @rm -f messages.mo stats-%: @$(foreach catalog,$(catalogs), \ [ -e $(catalog.po) ] \ && { echo -n "$(catalog.po): "; \ msgfmt --statistics $(catalog.po); } \ || echo "$(catalog.po) doesn't exist (make init-$(*))";) @rm -f messages.mo summary: $(addprefix summary-,$(locales)) define untranslated-sh LC_ALL=C msgfmt --statistics $(catalog.pot) 2>&1 \ | tail -1 \ | sed -e 's/0 translated messages, \([0-9]*\) un.*/\1/' endef define translated-sh { LC_ALL=C msgfmt --statistics $(catalog.po) 2>&1 || echo 0; } \ | tail -1 \ | sed -e 's/[^0-9]*\([0-9]*\) translated.*/\1/' endef MESSAGES_TOTAL = \ $(eval MESSAGES_TOTAL := ($(foreach catalog,$(catalogs), \ $(shell $(untranslated-sh)) + ) 0)) \ $(MESSAGES_TOTAL) summary-%: @python -c "print 'l10n/$(*): translations updated (%d%%)' \ % (($(foreach catalog,$(catalogs), \ $(shell $(translated-sh)) + ) 0) * 100.0 \ / $(MESSAGES_TOTAL))" @rm -f messages.mo diff: $(addprefix diff-,$(locales)) diff-%: @svn diff trac/locale/$(*) \ | grep -Ev '^([-+]#:|[@ ])' | grep -E '^[-+@]' || true clean-mo: find trac/locale -name \*.mo -exec rm {} \; find trac/htdocs/js/messages -name \*.js -exec rm {} \; # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Testing related tasks # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .PHONY: test unit-test functional-test test-wiki test: unit-test functional-test unit-test: Trac.egg-info python ./trac/test.py --skip-functional-tests $(testopts) functional-test: Trac.egg-info python trac/tests/functional/__init__.py -v $(testopts) test-wiki: python trac/tests/allwiki.py $(testopts) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Code checking tasks # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .PHONY: pylint pylint: pylint \ --include-ids=y --persistent=n --comment=n --init-import=y \ --disable=E0102,E0211,E0213,E0602,E0611,E1002,E1101,E1102,E1103 \ --disable=F0401 \ --disable=W0102,W0141,W0142,W0201,W0212,W0221,W0223,W0231,W0232, \ --disable=W0401,W0511,W0603,W0613,W0614,W0621,W0622,W0703 \ --disable=C0103,C0111 \ trac tracopt # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Coverage related tasks # # (see http://nedbatchelder.com/code/coverage/) # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .PHONY: coverage clean-coverage show-coverage coverage: clean-coverage test-coverage show-coverage clean-coverage: coverage erase @rm -fr htmlcov ifdef test test-coverage: coverage run $(test) $(testopts) else test-coverage: unit-test-coverage functional-test-coverage endif unit-test-coverage: coverage run -a $(coverageopts) trac/test.py --skip-functional-tests functional-test-coverage: FIGLEAF='coverage run -a $(coverageopts)' python \ trac/tests/functional/testcases.py -v show-coverage: htmlcov/index.html #coverage report htmlcov/index.html: coverage html \ --omit=$(subst $(space),$(comma),$(wildcard trac/*/templates)),trac/templates # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Figleaf based coverage tasks # # (see http://darcs.idyll.org/~t/projects/figleaf/doc/) # # ** NOTE: there are still several issues with this ** # - as soon as a DocTestSuite is run, figleaf gets confused # - functional-test-figleaf is broken (no .figleaf generated) # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .PHONY: figleaf clean-figleaf show-figleaf figleaf: clean-figleaf test-figleaf show-figleaf clean-figleaf: rm -f .figleaf* *.figleaf rm -fr figleaf show-figleaf: figleaf/index.html figleaf/index.html: $(wildcard *.figleaf) figleaf2html \ --output-directory=figleaf \ --exclude-patterns=trac/tests/figleaf-exclude \ *.figleaf .PHONY: test-figleaf unit-test-figleaf functional-test-figleaf test-figleaf: unit-test-figleaf functional-test-figleaf unit-test-figleaf: unit-test.figleaf functional-test-figleaf: functional-test.figleaf functional-test.figleaf: Trac.egg-info rm -f .figleaf FIGLEAF=figleaf python trac/tests/functional/testcases.py -v @mv .figleaf $(@) unit-test.figleaf: Trac.egg-info rm -f .figleaf figleaf trac/test.py --skip-functional-tests @mv .figleaf $(@) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Tracd related tasks # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- port ?= 8000 tracdopts ?= -r define server-options $(if $(port),-p $(port))\ $(if $(auth),-a '$(auth)')\ $(tracdopts)\ $(if $(wildcard $(env)/VERSION),$(env),-e $(env)) endef .PHONY: server server: Trac.egg-info ifdef env python trac/web/standalone.py $(server-options) else @echo "\`env' variable was not specified. See \`make help'." endif # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Documentation related tasks # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .PHONY: apidoc sphinx apidoc-check apiref epydoc clean-doc # We also try to honor the "conventional" environment variables used by Sphinx sphinxopts ?= $(SPHINXOPTS) SPHINXBUILD ?= sphinx-build BUILDDIR ?= build/doc PAPER ?= a4 sphinxopts-latex ?= -D latex_paper_size=$(PAPER) sphinxformat = html sphinx: apidoc apidoc: $(addprefix apidoc-,$(sphinxformat)) apidoc-check: @python doc/utils/checkapidoc.py apidoc-%: @$(SPHINXBUILD) -b $(*) \ $(sphinxopts) $(sphinxopts-$(*)) \ -d build/doc/doctree \ doc $(BUILDDIR)/$(*) epydoc: apiref apiref: doc-images @python doc/utils/runepydoc.py --config=doc/utils/epydoc.conf \ $(epydocopts) $(if $(dotpath),--dotpath=$(dotpath)) doc-images: $(addprefix build/,$(wildcard doc/images/*.png)) build/doc/images/%: doc/images/% | build/doc/images @cp $(<) $(@) build/doc/images: @mkdir -p $(@) clean-doc: rm -fr build/doc # ============================================================================ # # Setup environment variables python-home := $(python.$(if $(python),$(python),$($(db).python))) ifeq "$(OS)" "Windows_NT" ifndef python-home # Detect location of current python python-exe := $(shell python -c 'import sys; print sys.executable') python-home := $(subst \python.exe,,$(python-exe)) endif SEP = ; python-bin = $(python-home)$(SEP)$(python-home)/Scripts else SEP = : endif ifdef python-bin export PATH := $(python-bin)$(SEP)$(PATH) endif export PYTHONPATH := .$(SEP)$(PYTHONPATH) export TRAC_TEST_DB_URI = $($(db).uri) # Misc. space = $(empty) $(empty) comma = , # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------