<py:when test="ticket.exists">#${ticket.id} (${ticket.summary})</py:when> <py:otherwise>New Ticket</py:otherwise>

${'#' + t.id if t.exists else 'NEW'} -

${t.summary if t.summary else None}

Ticket #${t.id} at Initial Version at Version $version New Ticket (${t.type}) Assigned to ${(owner_link if defined('owner_link') else authorinfo(t.owner)) if t.owner else ''}, last modified ${pretty_dateinfo(t.changetime)} (ticket not yet created)

${render_ticket_summary(ticket, False)}

$ticket.id 20
Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.
Warning This ticket has been modified since you started editing. You should review the other modifications which have been appended above, and any conflicts shown in the preview below. You can nevertheless proceed and submit your changes if you wish so.

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