What is iTest?

iTest is a library providing a set of highly useful primitives to enable seamless deployment, execution, dependency tracking, and reports gathering for software validation.

iTest works on top of JVM platform, using Groovy for most of its implementation.

iTest bridges certain gaps between Maven and available test frameworks such as JUnit and TestNG to allow better system and integration testing experience.

Why do I need iTest?

if you need to have a robust environment for your software validation needs where you can run different kind of tests and user applications in a repeatable and controllable fashion then iTest is for you.

If you are looking for help with deployment of your software into clusters or cloud infrastructure, iTest might still be at help, but we suggest you look for a more specialized tools.

Where I can download iTest?

iTest comes in two forms: binary Maven artifact (basically a jar file) and as a source code. The latter can be used for development and or as a reference material. Whether the former is intended for use in the field i.e. for testing/deployment automation.

See "Getting iTest" section for more information