Overview ======== Producing Maven from the Build ============================== In order to support Maven, the Beehive build neesd to support copying the Maven artifacts into directories that can be uploaded into M1.x and M2 repositories. Unfortunately, the Maven 1 and 2 repository layouts are different and two different uploadable directories need to be created. Note: - All resources in the Maven repository must be *both* signed and checksum-ed. - All resources must have the version number embedded. Maven 1.x ========= beehive/ distributions/ jars/ beehive-controls-.jar beehive-netui-core-.jar beehive-netui-compiler-.jar beehive-netui-tags-.jar beehive-ejb-control-.jar beehive-jms-control-.jar beehive-jdbc-control-.jar licenses/ LICENSE poms/ beehive-controls-.pom beehive-netui-.pom - How do we distribute the NetUI webapp resources in Maven 1.x? Maven 2.x ========= org/apache/beehive/ beehive-controls/ maven-metadata.xml / maven-metadata.xml beehive-controls-.pom beehive-controls-.jar beehive-ejb-control/ maven-metadata.xml / maven-metadata.xml beehive-ejb-control-.pom beehive-ejb-control-.jar beehive-ejb-control/ maven-metadata.xml / maven-metadata.xml beehive-jms-control-.pom beehive-jms-control-.jar beehive-ejb-control/ maven-metadata.xml / maven-metadata.xml beehive-jdbc-control-.pom beehive-jdbc-control-.jar beehive-netui/ maven-metadata.xml / maven-metadata.xml beehive-netui-core-.pom beehive-netui-core-.jar beehive-ejb-control/ maven-metadata.xml / maven-metadata.xml beehive-netui-compiler-.pom beehive-netui-compiler-.jar beehive-ejb-control/ maven-metadata.xml / maven-metadata.xml beehive-netui-tags-.pom beehive-netui-tags-.jar This partitioning represents a separation of the NetUI and Controls sub-projects. This setup requires artifact IDs as "beehive-(netui|controls)" in order to qualify the JAR names correctly. - The NetUI resources are made available from the NetUI webapp archetype. - Where do the M2 archetypes go? - Can the same POM versions be used with Maven1 and Maven2? Yes. Looks like the Struts 1.2.8 ones are common between Maven1 and Maven2. Repository List =============== M1 SNAPSHOT: http://cvs.apache.org/repository/ M1 Production: http://www.apache.org/dist/java-repository/ M2 SNAPSHOT: http://cvs.apache.org/maven-snapshot-repository/ M2 Production: Using Maven with Beehive ======================== TODO Attachments =========== top-level maven-metadata.xml ::: org.apache.beehive beehive 1.0.1 1.0.1 ::: release maven-metadata.xml ::: org.apache.beehive beehive 1.0.1 :::