JDK APT + Maven2 ================ 1) Build the Maven2 compiler extension here (note, this isn't a Maven2 plugin. yet.) using: mvn clean compile 2) Install the plugin to your local Maven2 repository: mvn install To use the APT compiler plugin from a Maven2 POM, the compiler plugin needs to be registered with the POM as a dependency. For example: org.apache.maven.plugins maven-compiler-plugin apt 1.5 1.5 true true target/srcgen org.apache.beehive beehive-compiler-apt 1.0-SNAPSHOT runtime To pass arguments to APT via the -A command line options, add elements like this: src/main/webapp to the section of the element for the compiler. This example is the equivalent of passing this on the command line: -Aweb.content.root=src/main/webapp Known APT compiler plugin limitations: - the "fork" mode doesn't work - a POM should manually specify the "-s" option to set the output directory for generated files