NOTICE: To run the TCH tests: 1) $ . ./ 2) $ cd deploy 2) $ . ./ 3) $ ant run The tests for TCH live under deploy/test and they will pass if you run them with Ant 1.5. However, we are using Ant 1.6.2 now, and the tests will not pass on that version. The failures reported while running the tests are a result of how Ant 1.6.2 prints certain things to stdout differently. If you run the tests, you should see output similar to this: ========================================== Diff is: 7c7 < Source path: file:${TCH_HOME}/test/core/task/short-suite.xml:7 --- > Source path: ${TCH_HOME}\test\core\task\short-suite.xml:7 19c19 < Source path: file:${TCH_HOME}/test/core/task/short-suite.xml:7 --- > Source path: ${TCH_HOME}\test\core\task\short-suite.xml:7 ...........etc............ ========================================== This is due to the stupid way we determine test pass/failure. We are planning on fixing this for ant 1.6.2, but we haven't gotten to that point yet. Despite the fact that the tests fail, TCH itself will work correctly with Ant 1.6.2.