Welcome to the Beehive Petstore =============================== Requirements ============ The following software is required to build and deploy the pet store: - Java 5 - Ant 1.6.2 - J2EE Container Setup ===== 1) Java 5 Download: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/download.jsp Install Java 5 and set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to refernce the JDK install directory. Ensure that $JAVA_HOME/bin is available in your $PATH. 2) Ant 1.6.2 Download: http://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi Ant 1.6.2 is the minimum version required to build Beehive. Install Ant 1.6.2 and set the ANT_HOME environment variable to reference the Ant install directory. Ensure that $ANT_HOME/bin is available in your $PATH. 3) J2EE Container A J2EE Container is required. Use your existing container. Building ======== In the descriptions below, refers to the root of the Beehive distribution. For example, if the distribution was unpacked to c:\beehive, then that is what you should substitute for . The first time you build the Petstore web application, you will need to pull in the Beehive runtime libraries. Use the following target once: ant -f \ant\webappRuntimeCore.xml -Dwebapp.dir=\samples\petstoreWeb deploy.beehive.webapp.runtime To build the Petstore web application, run the following target: ant -f \ant\buildWebapp.xml -Dwebapp.dir=\samples\petstoreWeb build Deploying and Running ===================== Use your container's standard deployment practice to deploy the Web application found in samples/petstoreWeb. If you used petstoreWeb as the context root, then you should be able to hit the Petstore web application, use the URL: http://:/petstoreWeb/Controller.jpf For example, if you are using Tomcat 5.0.25 for you J2EE container, you may deploy using the following: cd \samples\petstoreWeb jar cf %CATALINA_HOME%\webapps\petstoreWeb.war * Check the Beehive Wiki for information about deploying to other containers.