This directory contains samples for annotation aware web services using the Axis’s drop in deployment model.
build |
output of the build process |
src |
The Web Service implementation. Web Serivce is implemented a java objects with POJO as the model |
tests |
tests for the service. |
web |
location of the .jws file that exposes the Web Service |
<>How to Install the AddressBook webservice:
1) Install AnnotatedAxis. – See instruction in …….. Startup tomcat, and verify that AnnotatedAxis is installed by running: http://localhost:8080/AnnotatedAxis/index.html
<>3) Go to BBEHIVE_HOME /wsm/samples/dropInDeployment/AddressBook/server/ run: “ant”.
The default target will build your application, run JUnit Test on it, and build jar file in the build directory.
4) To deploy the application run “ant deploy”
Deploy will copy the application jar file and content of the “web” directory to the AnnotatedAxis (CATALINA_HOME/webapps/AnnotatedAxis)
5) At this point the server is installed, and you should be able to see your WSDL in: http://localhost:8080/AnnotatedAxis/AddressBookWebService.jws?wsdl
Once the server is up and running, you can try the client side to verify the server operation. The client side uses the Axis WSDL2Java application to generate the client side code and unit test.
1) Go to /wsm/samples/dropInDeployment/AddressBook/client
2) Run ant
This should generate the client code, and run the Junit test that Axis generates for the client. The JUnit test is basic call to every method of the web service, it can be enhanced to perform validation.