Welcome to the Beehive Petstore =============================== Requirements ============ Beehive requires the following software to build and deploy the petstore: - J2SE 5.0 - Ant 1.6.2 - Tomcat 5.x Setup ===== In the descriptions below, $BEEHIVE_HOME refers to the root of the Beehive distribution. For example, if Beehive is installed in: c:\java\beehive-0.3alpha the value of BEEHIVE_HOME would be: BEEHIVE_HOME = c:\java\beehive-0.3alpha Now, modify and run BEEHIVE_HOME/beehiveUser.cmd|sh to initialize your shell with some required environment variables including: BEEHIVE_HOME JAVA_HOME ANT_HOME CATALINA_HOME This will also add Java and Ant to your PATH. Building ======== To build the Petstore web application, run the following target: On Windows: ant -f %BEEHIVE_HOME%\ant\buildWebapp.xml deploy.beehive.webapp.runtime build.webapp -Dwebapp.dir=%BEEHIVE_HOME%\samples\petstoreWeb On Unix: ant -f $BEEHIVE_HOME\ant\buildWebapp.xml deploy.beehive.webapp.runtime build.webapp -Dwebapp.dir=$BEEHIVE_HOME\samples\petstoreWeb This will copy the Beehive webapp runtime into BEEHIVE_HOME/samples/petstoreWeb/WEB-INF/lib and run the Beehive webapp build process on the petstoreWeb application. Deploying and Running ===================== Petstore can be deployed to a running version of Tomcat in one of two ways: 1) copy BEEHIVE_HOME/samples/petstoreWeb/ to CATALINA_HOME/webapps This will cause Tomcat to automatically deploy the webapp. 2) Use Beehive's deploy Ant target to deploy the Petstore to Tomcat. This requires that the "manager" role be defined in CATALINA_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml with a username / password of "manager" / "manager". Then, run the Ant command: On Windows: ant -f %BEEHIVE_HOME%\ant\buildWebapp.xml deploy -Dwebapp.dir=%BEEHIVE_HOME%\samples\petstoreWeb -Dcontext.path=petstoreWeb On Unix: ant -f $BEEHIVE_HOME\ant\buildWebapp.xml deploy -Dwebapp.dir=$BEEHIVE_HOME\samples\petstoreWeb -Dcontext.path=petstoreWeb To hit the running application, use the URL: http://localhost:8080/petstoreWeb/Controller.jpf