Building Netui Docs ------------------- This documents describes how to build documentation for the beehive/netui project. Documentation Components ------------------------ There are three documentation components for the beehive/netui project. (1) Conceptual Docs - describes how to use Page Flow technology to build web applications (2) Netui API Reference - standard javadoc derived from the JAVA source files (3) Netui Tag Library - a reference for the JSP tag library (generated from the JAVA source file using a custom doclet tool) How To Build the Documentation ------------------------------ Open a command shell. set JAVA_HOME to your local JDK5 (=JDK1.5.0) installation. cd to your local BEEHIVE_HOME. run beehiveEnv.cmd run ant build (This builds the entire Beehive source, a necessary preliminary step to building the documentation.) cd to BEEHIVE_HOME/netui/ant run ant -f javadoc.xml build The completed documentation can be found at BEEHIVE_HOME/netui/build/docs. The home page for all docs is located at BEEHIVE_HOME/netui/build/docs/index.html. The Conceptual docs are located at BEEHIVE_HOME/netui/build/docs/guide The Netui API Reference is located at BEEHIVE_HOME/netui/build/docs/reference/java-class/index.html The Netui Tag Library is located at BEEHIVE_HOME/netui/build/docs/reference/taglib/index.html