Beehive v1-alpha Distribution

1) Introduction

This document describes how to start working with the v1-alpha distribution of Apache Beehive.

2) What is Apache Beehive?

Apache Beehive a Java-based effort to simply the development of web applications, web services, and controls.

Apache Beehive uses metadata annotations, new in Java 5, that allow you to set properties on Java classes and methods, to simply the development process.

3) Distribution Directories

The table below describes the contents of the Beehive v1-alpha Destribution

apache-beehive-incubating-alpha-xxxThe top-level folder for the distribtion
    antContains Ant build files for building Beehive apps and deploying them to Tomcat
    libContains the JAR resources (both runtime and compile-time) for Beehive apps
        commonJAR archives of Beehive's dependencies
        controlsJAR resources for Beehive Controls
        netuiResources for Beehive Page Flows, including compile-time and runtime JARS and the <netui> JSP tag library
        wsmResources for Beehive Web Services
    samplesCode samples and application templates
        controls-blankA Control application template. Use this template as a starting point for Control development.
        netui-blankA Page Flow application template. Use this template as a starting point for Page Flow development.
        PetStroreDashboardA Web Service application that provides an administrator's view on the petstoreWeb web application.
        petstoreWebA web application composed of Beehive Page Flows and Controls.

4) Docs and Samples

The user's guide and reference documentation is available online at or locally in the directory apache-beehive-incubating-alpha-xxx/docs/

The petstoreWeb sample demonstrates how Beehive Page Flows and Controls work together. To run the sample follow the instructions at apache-beehive-incubating-alpha-xxx/samples/petstoreWeb/README.

The PetStroreDashboard sample demonstrates the capabilities of Beehive Web Services. To run the sample, follow the instructions at [todo].

5) Setup

To develop Beehive applications with distribution v1-alpha, you must have the following installed on your machine.

To run the petstoreWeb and PetStoreDashboard samples, you must have Tomcat 5.x installed.

6) Developing with Apache Beehive

how to build a simple Beehive enabled webapp from the blank app template... [todo]

how to build a simple control with the template provided....[todo]