Welcome to Beehive ================== To build Beehive, you need to have Java version 5 (or later) installed with the JAVA_HOME environment variable defined to point to this JDK. The JDK is available here: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/download.jsp Set the BEEHIVE_HOME environment variable to point to the root of the branch in your Beehive working copy that you want to work with. Typically you will be interested in the trunk, where mainline work goes on. For example, if you ran svn checkout https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/beehive/trunk from within "C:\MyProjects\beehive", BEEHIVE_HOME will be "C:\MyProjects\beehive\trunk", since you explicitly only checked out the trunk. However, if you had run svn checkout https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/beehive from within "C:\MyProjects\beehive", BEEHIVE_HOME will be "C:\MyProjects\beehive\beehive\trunk". In addition, you'll need to install Ant in $BEEHIVE_HOME/installed/ from the archive in $BEEHIVE_HOME/external/ant/apache-ant-1.6.2-bin.(zip|tar.gz). The installed Ant distribution should end up here: $BEEHIVE_HOME/installed/apache-ant-1.6.2/... In the following examples, '$>' is your propmpt at $BEEHIVE_HOME, so if you see '$>ant', type 'ant' (without the quotes) and press [enter]. To initialize the Beehive build environment, run beehiveEnv for your platform: Windows: C:\MyProjects\beehive>beehiveEnv.cmd UNIX: $>source beehiveEnv.sh Because Beehive depends on a set of external software, these dependencies need to be installed before a build can be successful. You will need a network connection for this step because jsr173_api.jar needs to be downloaded from a website; if you need to use a proxy for this downolad, see the "Using Proxies" instructions below. Once this has been downloaded, the build and tests can be run successfully without a network connection. To install the external dependencies, run: $>ant bootstrap which will unzip the Tomcat installer file. To build Beehive, run: $>ant clean deploy To run Beehive tests, run: $>ant drt Using Proxies With a Beehive Build ==================================== If you need to use proxies you can setup additional environment variables so that the Ant "bootstrap" target is successful in downloading the JSR 173 API JAR file. PROXYHOST= PROXYPORT= PROXYUSER= PROXYPASSWORD= NONPROXYHOSTS= SOCKSPROXYHOST= SOCKSPROXYPORT= At a minimum, you will need to set PROXYHOST and PROXYPORT if your network environment requires a proxy connection. To set these environment variables in your shell, run: set PROXYHOST= in a Windows shell and export PROXYHOST= in a UNIX shell. For information on proxy support using the task, please visit http://ant.apache.org/manual/OptionalTasks/setproxy.html