 * Copyright 2004,2005 The Apache Software Foundation.                         
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");             
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.            
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at                                     
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software         
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,           
 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.    
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and         
 * limitations under the License.                                              
package org.apache.rahas.impl;

import org.apache.rahas.TokenCanceler;
import org.apache.rahas.RahasData;
import org.apache.rahas.TrustException;
import org.apache.rahas.TrustUtil;
import org.apache.rahas.RahasConstants;
import org.apache.rahas.TokenStorage;
import org.apache.rahas.Token;
import org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPEnvelope;
import org.apache.axis2.description.Parameter;
import org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext;

import javax.xml.namespace.QName;

public class TokenCancelerImpl implements TokenCanceler {

    private String configFile;
    private OMElement configElement;
    private String configParamName;
     * Cancel the token specified in the request.
     * @param data A populated <code>RahasData</code> instance
     * @return Response SOAPEnveloper
     * @throws org.apache.rahas.TrustException
    public SOAPEnvelope cancel(RahasData data) throws TrustException {
        TokenCancelerConfig config = null;
        if (this.configElement != null) {
            config = TokenCancelerConfig.load(configElement.

        // Look for the file
        if (config == null && this.configFile != null) {
            config = TokenCancelerConfig.load(this.configFile);

        // Look for the param
        if (config == null && this.configParamName != null) {
            Parameter param = data.getInMessageContext().getParameter(this.configParamName);
            if (param != null && param.getParameterElement() != null) {
                config = TokenCancelerConfig.load(param.getParameterElement()
            } else {
                throw new TrustException("expectedParameterMissing",
                                         new String[]{this.configParamName});

        if (config == null) {
            throw new TrustException("missingConfiguration",
                                     new String[]{SCTIssuerConfig.SCT_ISSUER_CONFIG

        OMElement rstEle = data.getRstElement();
        QName cancelTagetQName = new QName(data.getWstNs(), RahasConstants.CancelBindingLocalNames.CANCEL_TARGET);
        OMElement cancelTargetEle = rstEle.getFirstChildWithName(cancelTagetQName);
        if (cancelTargetEle == null) {
            throw new TrustException("requiredElementNotFound",
                                     new String[]{cancelTagetQName.toString()});
        OMElement secTokenRefEle = cancelTargetEle
                .getFirstChildWithName(new QName(WSConstants.WSSE_NS,
        String tokenId;
        if (secTokenRefEle != null) {

              <o:Reference URI="urn:uuid:8e6a3a95-fd1b-4c24-96d4-28e875025ff7"
                           ValueType="" />
            OMElement referenceEle = secTokenRefEle.getFirstChildWithName(Reference.TOKEN);
            if (referenceEle != null) {
                OMAttribute uri = referenceEle.getAttribute(new QName(
                if (uri != null) {

                    tokenId = uri.getAttributeValue();
                    if (tokenId.charAt(0) == '#') {
                        tokenId = tokenId.substring(1);
                } else {
                    throw new TrustException("cannotDetermineTokenId");
            } else {
                throw new TrustException("cannotDetermineTokenId");
        } else {
            // TODO: we need to handle situation where the token itself is contained within the
            // TODO:  <wst:CancelTarget> element
            throw new TrustException("cannotDetermineTokenId");

        // Cancel the token
        MessageContext inMsgCtx = data.getInMessageContext();
        TokenStorage tokenStore = TrustUtil.getTokenStore(inMsgCtx);
        Token token = tokenStore.getToken(tokenId);
        if (token == null) {
            throw new TrustException("tokenNotFound", new String[]{tokenId});

        // Create the response SOAP Envelope
        SOAPEnvelope responseEnv =
        OMElement rstrElem;
        int version = data.getVersion();
        if (RahasConstants.VERSION_05_02 == version) {
            rstrElem = TrustUtil
                    .createRequestSecurityTokenResponseElement(version, responseEnv.getBody());
        } else {
            OMElement rstrcElem = TrustUtil
                            version, responseEnv.getBody());

            rstrElem = TrustUtil.createRequestSecurityTokenResponseElement(version, rstrcElem);
        TrustUtil.createRequestedTokenCanceledElement(version, rstrElem);
        return responseEnv;

     * Set the configuration file of this TokenCanceller.
     * <p>
     * This is the text value of the &lt;configuration-file&gt; element of the
     * token-dispatcher-configuration
     * @param configFile
    public void setConfigurationFile(String configFile) {
        this.configFile = configFile;

     * Set the configuration element of this TokenCanceller.
     * <p>
     * This is the &lt;configuration&gt; element of the
     * token-dispatcher-configuration
     * @param configElement <code>OMElement</code> representing the configuation
    public void setConfigurationElement(OMElement configElement) {
        this.configElement = configElement;

     * Set the name of the configuration parameter.
     * <p>
     * If this is used then there must be a
     * <code>org.apache.axis2.description.Parameter</code> object available in
     * the via the messageContext when the <code>TokenIssuer</code> is called.
     * @param configParamName
     * @see org.apache.axis2.description.Parameter
    public void setConfigurationParamName(String configParamName) {
        this.configParamName = configParamName;

     * Returns the <code>wsa:Action</code> of the response.
     * @param data A populated <code>RahasData</code> instance
     * @return Returns the <code>wsa:Action</code> of the response
     * @throws org.apache.rahas.TrustException
    public String getResponseAction(RahasData data) throws TrustException {
        return TrustUtil.getActionValue(data.getVersion(), RahasConstants.RSTR_ACTION_CANCEL);