Sandesha2 Samples Guide

This document explains how to run the samples that come with the current Sandesha2 distribution.

Please go through following steps to setup and run the samples.

Setting up the server

Install tomcat and add the Axis2 web app.

Add an user phase named RMPhase to both inFlow and outFlow of axis2.xml.

Add the Sandesha2 module (Sandesha2-0.9.mar) to the <AXIS2_WEBAPP>\WEB-INF\modules directory.

Start tomcat.

Setting up the client

We have made a client repo available at the directory samples\clients directory of the Sandesha2 binary distribution.

Add all the jar files that come with the lib directory of Apache Axis2 binary distrubution to the samples\clients\lib directory.

Add the addressing.mar module file that comes with Apache Axis2 to the samples\clients\modules directory.

Add the Sandesha2-0.9.mar file that comes with Apache Sandesha2 binary distribution to samples\clients\modules directory.

Setting up the tcp monitor.

start the tcp monitor utility program and map following ports.

8070 -> 8080 (assuming that you started tomcat in the port 8080)

9070 -> 6060 (Assuming that the clients listner port of Axis2 is 6060)

Running the sample clients

Simply double click the the bat files that come in the samples\client directory of the Sandesha2 binary distribution to run various samples clients and observer tcp monitor to see the message exchange.