Working with SubVersion

Setting up the initial environment

  1. Get the latest copy from SVN - .
    Note for committers : If it's your first time for Apache SVN, you need to activate your account for SVN. Please log on with your Apache ID and run svnpasswd once.
  2. Install Maven (you can download that from
  3. Go to the prototype2 folder in the command prompt and type "maven". This will automatically download all the jars, compile, test and build the system.
  4. If you want to set up this in your favorite IDE:
    1. For IntellijIDEA type "maven idea" (without quotes). This will generate IDEA .ipr, .iml and .iws project files
    2. For eclipse type "maven eclipse" (without quotes). This will generate project files for eclipse.
    3. To find support for other IDE's (or the list of goals) type "maven -g".

To learn more about svn, go here.

Some SVN Clients