2007-06-08 Apache Axis2 Apache Axis2 is a service hosting and consumption framework that makes it easy to use SOAP and Web Services Apache Axis2 is a toolkit for creating and using Web Services, including SOAP, MTOM, XML/HTTP and advanced WS-* standards such as WSRM and WSSecurity. Axis2 includes a very fast runtime engine, together with tooling support for WSDL and WS-Policy, and plugin support for WS-Addressing, WS-ReliableMessaging, WS-Security, WS-Eventing, WS-Transactions, WS-Trust and WS-SecureConversation. Axis2 runs either standalone or hosted in Tomcat or other servlet containers. Java C Apache Axis22006-05-041.0 Apache Axis22006-11-131.1 Apache Axis22007-01-091.1.1 Apache Axis22007-04-271.2 Apache Axis22007-07-061.3 Apache Axis22008-02-051.4 Apache Axis22008-08-241.4.1 Apache Axis22009-06-091.5 Apache Axis22009-10-231.5.1 Apache Axis22010-09-061.5.2 Apache Axis22010-11-121.5.3 Apache Axis22010-12-191.5.4 Axis2 Development Team SOAP1.1 W3C SOAP1.1 SOAP1.2 W3C SOAP1.2 MTOM W3C SOAP-MTOM HTTP IETF HTTP 1.1 WS-Addressing W3C WSA WS-ReliableMessaging OASIS WSRM WS-Security OASIS WSSEC