
  1. I see OMElements in all the signatures, in the stubs, Client API and in skeletons. Where is data binding?

    Axis2 supports databinding using XML-Beans from 0.9 release. For more information please read the user guide

  2. What is OMElement, What does it represents?

    OMElement is Axis2 representation of XML, it provide a tree model like DOM. If you are familiar with DOM or JDOM you can soon get familiarize with OM quickly. For more information read Axiom Tutorial

Client API

  1. I want to do request response Messaging, Where should I look?

    Look at the Call class, for more information please read the user guide

  2. I want to do One Way Messaging, Where should I look?

    Look at the MessageSender class, for more information please read the user guide

  3. Why can not I set the some Addressing properties in the Call?

    Only in the case of the Message Sender the user allowed to edit the Message Properties, In the case of Call the Message correlation is taken care by the Client API and the Addressing Headers are under the Control of Axis2.

  4. When I try to do a non blocking call with use Separate Listener true I get the error to do two Transport Channels the Addressing Modules must be engaged, Why is this?

    To do the two transport Channel invocation you need to engage the addressing module. You can enable it by un-commenting the entry in the axis2.xml file or Call.engageModule(QName). But addressing is enabled by default.

  5. What is Axis Repository?

    Repository stores the configuration of Axis2, the users should specify the repository folder starting the Axis Server (HTTP or TCP). In the case of tomcat it is the webapps/axis2/WEB-INF folder. Following picture shows a sample repository.

    Modules and services have a archive format defined and they are automatically picked up by Axis2 when they are copied to corresponding folders.


    1. I just installed maven and it gives an error when I was trying to run maven on Axis2 ......

      Axis2 requires itest plugin to run some of the tests. Better get it using following command.

      • maven plugin:download -DgroupId=maven-itest-plugin -DartifactId=maven-itest-plugin -Dversion=1.0 -Dmaven.repo.remote=,
    2. I have problems building with maven 1.1 ....

      It seems that maven 1.1 doesn't come bundled with the required artifact plugin. Run following to get it updated

      • maven plugin:Download -DgroupId=maven -DartifactId=maven-artifact-plugin -Dversion=1.6.
      • You may need to update the itest plugin too, using the above command in #1.

    3. What are the frequently used maven commands ?
    4. Command
      download relevant jars, if not available and compile and run tests of the system.
      maven clean Clean all the stuff build so far, that are in the target folder. This will not clean the jar repository
      maven test
      run only the tests. Will do automatic compilation of changed sources as well. This will not run soap interop tests
      maven clean all-tests
      Clean up and run all off line and on line tests
      maven itest
      To run the online-mode tests for say the modules/integration Run "maven itest" from modules/integration
      maven test itest
      To run all tests for say the modules/integration Run "maven test itest" from modules/integration
      maven -g
      List down all the commands available with maven
      maven multiproject
      generate this site
      maven idea:multiproject
      generate IDEA .ipr, .iml and .iws project files
      maven -Dmaven.test.skip=true
      Builds Axis2 and skips all the tests